Dash Hits New All Time High And Is Now The 3rd Largest Market Cap Altcoin

in #dash7 years ago (edited)

Luckily just before the recent price spike,
I put a little skin in the game and bought some Dash. Having an investment in something makes studying it a little more interesting and helps me focus my attention better.

Dash is a cryptocurrency much like Bitcoin with some new features designed to make it easier to use and it is seeing some strong growth this last month. Just before I bought it the price rose over 125% the last 10 days.

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Image credit

One of the most promising things I see in Dash that is missing in bitcoin is they have a treasury in place to fund its projects and guide its future.

Instead of relying on angel developers to materialize and build features for users to use like bitcoin does, Dash has a reserve of funding set aside to pay for its own marketing and to develop user-friendly features.

Ten percent (10%) of all funds generated goes to the treasury to fund these projects and so the amount available varies depending on the market cap but is still a good deal of funding. As of today, there would be about $600,000 dollars available to fund projects this month. (March 2017)

They are working to develop user interfaces that your mom could feel comfortable using which makes it more appealing to the masses and easier to use, things that Bitcoin (and Steemit) are lacking. These features will be rolled out sometime in late 2017 in a product called Dash Evolution.

They have an approachable spokesperson in Amanda B. Johnson who connects a highly technical topic to the general public using simple to understand analogies in an easy to digest manner. She's good at explaining everything and keeping people up to date with what's going on with Dash in general.

Communicating with the public is very important and something that Bitcoin, Steemit, and others could learn a lot from by adopting some of these ideas being developed at Dash. Tech geniuses and programming geeks sometimes forget to reach the public in an approachable manner and at regular intervals and Dash is a shining example of good PR.

Things are looking good at Dash and they are definitely doing something right. There's always the chance this all a pump and dump, but the core pitch and systems they have in place seem to say this is the real deal. Only time will tell.

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Screenshot from Bittrex.com today

Today, Dash hit another all-time high (4th time in a row this week) of $103.27 with about $1.8 mln in trading volume and is now the #3 altcoin with a market cap of $705,978,201
and surpassed only by Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Maybe I'll buy more.

Do you own Dash or other coins? Why do you think the Dash price has been rising so much?

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Amanda is the reason why I opened wallets and why I am now learning how to trade 💅💃 She rocks !!!

She's good at explaining things and easy to understand. She is one of the reasons I grabbed some Dash too.

She is great for my kind of mammasitta clueless trading mind #mainstream cute , smart and fun


Holding Dash now! Worried that the will be retrace but apparently Dash is undervalued..
The fact that there is a lot of Dash is locked up for Master Nodes and smaller supply of 17 Million, shows it undervalued. so buy under 100$ (little time left), this year it should settle down around 300$ Hopefully. It's a good Short-time investment and has a lot of long-term potential

I'm holding some. We'll wait and see what happens.

For some reason Dash is in my face today. I have some stake in BTC & ETH but you have piqued my interest in Dash. I assume that the best way to follow up is their website?

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