Quest post week thirty two: Ogers (part six)

in #darklands6 years ago

the colonists ses there archenemy in striking distance. maxwell and blaze @cyber.explorer is all charging him.@stever82 is flanking him. he going down.@cyber.explorer and his Chief of Security are retreating behind the nettles wall. the wall starts to crumble. the moment they are in safety behind it.


@methus , @hhayweaver and gob is attacking the chief ogre but this big oger sems hard to hit, the tree of them had no real effect on him. the chief ogre is screaming at them they think he is saying something of dinner plans.. @happyme ses the two remanding wolfs and dropping one of them them last wolf is attacking @hhayweaver


the chef oger ses red this pack of "goblins" hes ses gob and start sprinting going got get it if its the last thing a do. hes staff hits gob..his armor is broken. one more time just after he had his armor potion.

you all are in combat no snike attack

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Overview over all Colones and Quest Rules.


@cyber.explorer (ale,sausage,wolf pelt,wolf tooth amulet, 10 (the dam added to the weapons)
weapons (+5 two-handed iron hammer /w gem 8 dam)
4 hit points (17 of 28 Armor)(wounded)
1 healing potion


"Chief of Security" Maxwell (ale,amulet) 8 to hit. with Blaze w/spiked collar(+2 dam)
weapons (+5 one-handed iron hammer w/gem 5dam)
4 hit points (14 of 20 armor)/gob gave you his Greater Healing potion it restored you to full health)
1 healing potion



@happyme (ale,ring, Moose sausage, Eye of accuracy) 8 (dam and range hit added to weapons)
weapons (+7 bow gem 7 dam)(+5 iron sword gem 7 dam)
4 hit points (30 of 30 armor)
0 Greater Healing potion (given to @methus)


@stever82 (boar fangs amulet,+1 dam bear cub) 7
weapons (+5 bow 3 dam)(+5 iron sword/ gem 4 dam)
4 hit points (10 of 15 armor)(wounded)
2 health potions

player steven.png


@hhayweaver (Ring,bear amulet) 8 (ranger helmet has added it to the bow)
weapons (+5 Bow 4 Dam)(+5 Sword 2 dam)
4 hit points (8 of 11 armor)(wounded)


@methus (ring,amulet) 7 (wizard armor + added to the staff)
weapons(+9 dark staff 2 melee damage and +2 spell dam)(+4 armor iron Shield)
4 of 4 hit points (18 of 18 armor) drank a Greater Healing potion from @happyme
2 healing potions


Spells: Dark Missile, Dark Heal, Fireball
Gob (cape of knowledge.amulet) 8
weapons (+9 dark staff 2 melee damage and +2 spell dam)
4 of 4 hit points (0 of 15 armor) (wounded)
1 Armor potions (-1 used)
berserk, Netties wall , dark heal , Dark Missile


summon wolf 7 (+2 charge attack distance)
weapons (+5 teeth 3 dam)
6 hit points


chief ogre (+2 dam added to the wepond barbarian ale) 7 (Cleric)
weapons (+7 Cleric staff gem 8 dam)
20 hit points (16 of 25 armor) (wounded)
1 Greater Healing potion
spells: heal,summon wolf 1 of 3, rock shield, bless




OOC: My internet is back.

All the other ogres are dead but the chief and just one wolf remains, what a nuisance he is. I am going to kill this wolf before he get me again. First I must move away from him so I can use my bow. I will move to I3

Action 2: Fire bow at wolf @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 11.

Hit, 4 damage to the wolf. One more hit and he is dead.
Action 3: Fire bow at wolf @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 15.

Damn, Miss, still being beat by this wolf.

Action 1: Move to I3

I'm convinced that if the chief ogre runs away, we will need to fight him again, so I focus my efforts at taking him out and leave the wolf for now.

SUMMARY: I fire 3 arrows into the chief ogre and cause 21 damage, leaving him with just 15 life. Surely we can finish him off once and for all.

I shoot an arrow at the chief ogre @rolld20 and pray to the Gods of war and the dice Gods to help me shoot to win.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 8.

With thanks to the Gods, I shoot a 2nd arrow at the chief ogre and ask for continued support. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 8.

A BIG THANKS to the Gods and a request for continued support, I let loose a 3rd arrow at the chief. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 11.

Praise the Gods, we do have a chance to take this monster down!

I see the ogre leader approaching me quickly, but he has just taken a few arrows and it looks like we might have a chance to beat him if I act quickly!

I charge-attack the largest ogre I've ever seen, and swing my hammer down on him.

@ rolld20

update: I got in one good hit for 8 damage.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 19.

and i miss...

but I swing again.


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

with a strong hit, I think I have taken the ogre within a few inches of his life! 8 damage.

I swing one more time...


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 15.

and I miss...!

"Maxwell" I yell, "it is up to you now!"

Come on! One more solid hit and he's dead! Do it... do it.... do it!

Awe darn...

Action 1: dark missile at the wolf. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 16.

Hit, just barely, for 5 damage, killing him.

I look around at the power my friends wield and once again I amazed. I nod at them each and am glad I am still alive.

00C sorry had a busy weekend didn't get to this till now.

Maxwell and Blaze hear CY's call and run to his support!

With one-hand, Maxwell takes his hammer and charge-attacks the ogre chief, determined to finally end this fight.

@ rolld20

update: Maxwell and Blaze kill the ogre chief!

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 16.

a miss...

but Maxwell will not give up now!

another swing...


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 11.

That would be a hit, and with Blaze taking the last 2 life from the ogre chief, we can ALMOST begin to celebrate. There is 1 wolf still with 2 life to take out.

and the ogre falls! Blaze goes in for his throat.

...after a moment the ogre stop moving while blaze is still ripping away at him hungrily.

7 damage!

Maxwell looks around and sees no more ogres around, hopefully, he thinks, this battle is done!

Then, he hears a wolf howling across the road. it's not quite over yet...

with his last breath Maxwell charge-attacks the wolf to put it out of it misery.


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 16.

and the wolf was still quick enough to squirm away at the last second. a miss!

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