DAOstack: The Tool for Exponential Organizations

in #daostack20186 years ago


Exponential organizations: (its definition and problems)

I think everyone is familiar with the term: exponential growth. It is likely that few can give the mathematical definition of an exponential function, but most understand that it refers to an accelerated growth difficult to predict. Although we are accustomed to seeing linear growth in different aspects of life (especially in our salary), there are now examples of this exponential phenomenon in more and more areas or industries. The clearest we have in computing, where technological advances are getting faster and bigger. Would you have imagined 10 years ago that we would have such powerful cell phones or would there be 3D printing or the incredible increase in ecosystems based on the blockchain?

This type of growth will not stop, on the contrary, we are at a key moment in which the world will begin to change so fast that it will be difficult to keep up. The main responsible for this will be the exponential organizations. Maybe you know one or another of them, do you sound Google, Facebook, Cisco, Uber, Tesla?

The term exponential organization (ExO) appeared for the first time in the book Exponential Organizations written by Ismail, Michael S. Malone and Yuri van Geest, This type of organizations, unlike the traditional or linear ones that are affected by limited resources, they govern by the assumption of abundance. This generates several problems when managing their resources, making effective decisions, governance becomes complicated when it comes to a mass system

The help of the blockchain to exponential organizations (outside corruption and insecurity)

The chain of blocks makes corruption more difficult because it is a distributed accounting record technology that can certify records and transactions (or "blocks") without the use of a central database and in a way that can not be deleted, alter or falsify. It offers an unprecedented level of integrity, security and reliability to the information it manages, and reduces the risks associated with having a single point of failure. Eliminates the need for intermediaries, reduces bureaucracy and the risk of arbitrary criteria. It also allows the tracking of transactions.

Blockchain technology has many applications, although the most promising ones which guarantee the transparency and integrity of the data, are related to asset registration and transaction tracking.

This is the central reason for the emergence of many different types of systems in the blockchain world, corruption is ending with thousands of industries and projects worldwide, the blockchain came to solve this problem that has become very common in the society

What should be done to improve governance and solve the various problems of this type of exponential systems? (DAOstack generates solutions by applying blockchain technology)

The DAOstack Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are Start-Ups that seek to establish platforms where each of its members can develop and execute applications that allow them to benefit both individually and collectively.
Being decentralized and autonomous (this is achieved using blockchain technology), there is no entity that exercises authority over the execution of the applications or the DAO itself. With this, all the agreements signed and executed by the members of the decentralized autonomous organization will be governed by a single "authority": the code (Software written in the universal language, the computer used by DAOstack).

DAOstack presents an alternative of governance independent of human influence, leaving it in the hands of something much simpler, more transparent and more reliable, such as intelligent contracts; some lines of open code that all users can review and decide if they agree, or not, before proceeding with its execution.


Imagine a group of users from our steemit community, who opens an account dedicated to gambling, each user will contribute a certain amount of STEEM to start the account and may have capital for the games that will be offered to the rest of the community, after of a time determined by these partners the profits granted by their account will be distributed among each partner, where the percentage varies depending on the initial investment of each one, all these agreements can be reflected in a legal contract in which all the details are specified and each of the parties agrees. But with DAOsack those users can go further. The contract can be registered unalterably in blockChain, all without the need to use notarial or banking services, in addition to having full confidence that the established conditions will not be altered by any arbitrary or condescending decision with any member.

DAOstack tools to achieve the objective

The ecosystem of DAOstack will have several layers to be able to grant its users a sustainable and reliable ecosystem in which several tools will be united to carry out the different tasks within the system:

The meshed networks of Intelligent organizations, together constructing an economy without rivalries.
It is a native user interface, one of the many interoperable applications.
Collaborative applications built on the DAO stack.
It is a friendly API layer that allows front-end developers to create DApps over Arc.
These are shared registers that improve interoperability and the network effect between collaborative Dapps created on the stack.
It is a governance environment with general objectives for the configuration and deployment of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOS) in the Ethereum blockchain network. A kind of wordpress for DAOS.

Information provided and that can be expanded on the DAOstack website

The DAOstack offers the birth of societies that resemble the capital companies in the fact that they are 'organizations' that manage a heritage by applying it to an end. Until then, all similarities between them, but this new type of decentralized organization is based on an architecture of intelligent contracts, have an automated management and are formed by an indefinite number of 'participants' (partners) which do not have to be known necessarily.

The idea of coming together in a capital society with unknown partners generates chills in any traditional entrepreneur, but in the world 'BlockChain', it is almost logical, because the structure of the organizations born in the DAOstack (and basically the whole ecosystem is designed so that trust is not an essential element, so if you explain the DAO with the STEEM example shown above, I think it is easier to appreciate its advantages.

Likewise, consultations could be made with a yes or no answer to a certain decision, which, once approved, would be executed automatically. In this way, these 'partners' or Token holders (shareholders that we remember, do not have to know each other) would receive their profits and democratically vote in the management of the company born under DAOstack. This model facilitates, for example, having partners from anywhere in the world without the costs that this implies in our current corporate system.

In conclusion

DAOstack is an ideal platform to create all kinds of solutions for exponential organizations where each of its members can develop and execute applications that allow them to benefit both individually and collectively, developing a liquid democracy mechanism through its chain of blocks. Where the idea is that the individual can make proposals, vote directly on each decision, or can delegate an expert of their confidence to recover the delegate vote at the time you want and thus, DAOstack offers to create companies with minimal cost, objectives well defined, high participation, and transparency.

Many emphasize that the DAO is still an experimental concept and that therefore it involves many risks, but if successful, it could alter the entire structure of companies and finances.

Unlike corporations or companies, the DAO has no CEO or director, there is no board, no employees or shareholders. It's literally just a few lines of open source code. That code, however, allows you to withhold money, without human participation or control, in an Ethereum address visible to anyone. AND THE FIRST THING THAT COMES TO ME TO THE HEAD: UNTIL THE CORRUPT POLITICIANS TREMBLE

Trust is what keeps a system alive, a society, an organization or a company, confidence is generated when the rules are met and are clean, when we all agree to participate in a game we know, this evolution could help mankind enormously, even governments could govern their management publicly by systems of this type, you could literally see how far your tax contribution or how your nation's income is spent

One of the oldest evils in the world, corruption, plagues many large companies and governments worldwide, example very accentuated in Latin America, where countries as rich as Venezuela fall into disgrace for this evil that damages and destroys everything in its path

The DAO seems to be a blessing from God for the future of human beings, applied to various branches can be salvation and the leap into the future

Check out their the DAOstack intro video:

More Information & Resources:

DAOstack Website
DAOstack Summary
DAOstack WhitePaper
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DAOstack Token Sale FAQ

This article was written by @aerossone for the writing contest conducted by @originalworks sponsored by DAOstack

for more information about the contest here


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