Launching Peanut DAO NFT Reward System !

in #dao2 years ago (edited)

背景 Background


但随着Peanut社区的不断发展, 为了更好的激励Peanut大使及社区成员,在经过仔细衡量以及筹备后我们认为是时候调整大使reward的架构。结合Nutbox现有的NFT staking功能,分类开通NFT Staking功能,质押NFT持续获得PNUT。

The Peanut community is growing thanks to the contributions of Peanut Ambassadors and community members. There are six Peanut ambassadors, one from Venezuela, two from South Korea, one from China, one from Malaysia, and one from the United States.

Since the launch of the Global Ambassadors Program in March 2021, in order to encourage the contribution of the ambassador team, PNUT has been rewarded every month based on the work of the Peanut ambassadors.

However, as the Peanut community continues to grow, after careful consideration and preparation, we decided it was time to adjust the structure of the Ambassador Reward in order to better motivate the Peanut ambassadors and community members. In conjunction with Nutbox's existing NFT staking feature, contributors now can stake NFT to mint PNUT as their rewards

Peanut DAO NFT

大使身份NFT Ambassador Role NFT

目前我们的大使分为四个级别Junior Ambassador, Working Group, Senior Ambassador以及Regional Ambassador,不同级别的大使将对应对应不同的NFT.

Currently, our ambassadors are divided into four levels: Junior Ambassador, Working Group, Senior Ambassador, and Regional Ambassador. Ambassadors of different levels will correspond to different NFTs.

截屏2022-06-27 下午7.37.11.png
以上从左到右分别为 Junior Ambassador, Working Group, Senior Ambassador, and Regional Ambassador.

The above from left to right is Junior Ambassador, Working Group, Senior Ambassador, and Regional Ambassador.

工作内容NFT Working Content NFT


翻译 (Accuracy) - 翻译Peanut相关文章,根据准确度以及点赞质量发放一定数量的创作NFTs

内容创作 (Creativity) - 制作Peanut相关内容,根据点赞和市场反馈,发放一定数量的创作NFTs

活动出席 (Energy) - 作为Peanut代表,参与当地线下活动,推广Peanut,获得NFTs.

The current work is mainly divided into three categories:

Translation (Accuracy) - Translate Peanut related articles and distribute a certain number of Accuracy NFTs based on the Accuracy and quality of likes

Content Creation (Creativity) - Produce Peanut related content and distribute a certain number of Creativity NFTs based on likes and market feedback

Event attendance (Energy) - Participate in local offline events as Peanut representatives to promote Peanut and get Energy NFTs.


NFT发放规则 NFT Distribution Rules

NFT Staking上线后,Peanut DAO的比例将由10%调整为7%,其中3%将自动进入 NFT Staking Pool,自动分发给stake NFT的贡献者.


  • 大使身份的再评估,若有晋升的大使,将在晋升生效的当月发放对应NFT。
  • 根据社区及市场情况,衡量是否需要新增工作内容NFT,以及是否需要调整不同矿池的比例。

When NFT Staking is taken online, the ratio of Peanut DAO will be adjusted from 10% to 7%, of which 3% will be automatically going to NFT Staking and distributed to the Stake NFT contributors

NFT will be distributed in the last week of each month, and NFT of ambassador status and NFT of work content will be delegated corresponding to different staking pools.
There will be new assessments every three months:

  • Re-evaluation of ambassador status. If there is a promoted ambassador, the corresponding NFT will be issued in the month when the promotion takes effect.
  • According to the community and market conditions, measure whether it is necessary to add work content NFT, and whether to adjust the proportion of different mining pools.

我们将在本周内开启对应矿池并对Peanut大使分发NFT, 更多关于NFT质押的细则会将在后续公布,请大家持续关注. 我们希望这样全新的方式能够使Peanut大使及社区成员有更紧密地连接,并在未来共同致力于Peanut DAO的发展.

We will open the corresponding staking pools and distribute NFT to Peanut ambassadors this week. More details on NFT staking will be announced in the follow-up. Please continue to follow our updates. We hope that this new approach will enable Peanut ambassadors and community members to connect more closely and work together on the development of Peanut DAO in the future.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 56679.48
ETH 2377.65
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.26