🏋 Dansformation - Week 3 - Day 6 - Arms Workout 💪 Meals - Juices - SupplementssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #dansformation7 years ago (edited)

Week 3 ended today with arms workout, the third one from this year. The workout went well, I was pretty satisfied at the end, I also had some progress compared to last week. Day by day everything is getting better, it's clear that my last changes have better results.

I started my workout with biceps , 3 exercises then i finished with the biggest muscle from our arms, triceps.

Biceps :

1.Dumbbell Bicep Curl : 4 sets of 8 reps

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2.Hammer Curls : 4 sets of 8 reps

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3.EZ-Bar Curl : 4 sets of 8 reps

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Triceps :

1.Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press : 4 sets of 8 reps

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2.Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension : 4 sets of 8 reps

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3.Seated Triceps Press : 4 sets of 8 reps

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Pretty straight workout, the most "easiest" for me, that's why I keep it for Saturday.

After workout picture :

What I eat during the day :

1.Milkshake - 300ml milk and 2 bananas

2.Juice : 1/2 pomelo, 1 pear, 1 apple. 1 orange

3.Omelette - 3 eggs, 4 mushrooms, 1 onion, beet salad

4.Juice : 2 apples, 1 kiwi, 1 banana, 1 orange

5.Creamy Broccoli Soup

6.Low-fat cheese , almonds and blueberries

What supplements I took during the day :

1. Spirulina : 1 teaspoon in the first meal

2.Amino acids : 1 measure during the workout.

4.Creatine : 1 measure immediately after workout

5.Whey protein : 1 measure immediately after workout

Tomorrow I will come with my week 3 report, I'm pretty curious how will look because I didn't measured or weighed my body.

I appreciate you reading my journey and thank you for all your support and upvotes. It's my first kind of journey, and my first time when I expose everything online. I have to say that at first was kind of "embarrassing" for me but day by day I get more comfortable with it.

I also know that for some of you all these workouts looks boring, but if you ever worked out, this is how is made. I do my best to engage everyone and to reward with all what I do during my Dansformation.

Have a great weekend !


nice post friend

Thank you buddy, I appreciate your comment

Great - now I'm hungry! (Good post Sir - thanks for sharing!)

You're welcome ! Was my pleasure.

This dansformation meal it's amazing! It looks delicious! Very nice workout buddy!

Thank you ! I'm glad that you liked :)

Keep it up...go go go!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Thank you for your support Old Dog !

Still going strong ! Respect!

Always a pleasure, glad to see you are doing so well!

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