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RE: CONNECTED: Pedogate, Kevin Spacey, the LA Fires, the Getty Museum and the Violent Death of J Paul Getty's Grandson

in #dakini5d7 years ago

Um this was a great article . Im on phone right now . When i get home ill re read it and give you some of my thoughts. I was thinking the weinstine stuff was a cover up for vegas. But it seems to be deeper than that . Dante's quote is very intersting. There us a guy on here and i cant spell his name right. Verospace.. ill correct it later he has been researching this too i think. Anyways. Ill talk to you later


Hi @spacetrucker, thanks for having a look at this. Its the dots and now the web can be woven. I appreciate your insight when you have the time. I plan to look at your "series" later this evening. Talk soon!

Awesome @vaerospace commented on your post you guys need to get to know each other

Thanks Spacetrucker! looking forward to a new ally!

Interesting post indeed I will need to do more research on this family, the thought of this lot makes me sick, Don't dig to deep or at least come up for air sometimes.. I do believe it is not right vs left.. it is left and right vs the government. the media tells most people what to think. the majority has no concept of what the value of life and freedom is anymore. It is going to take people like you to slowly lift the vale . have a great day!

Thanks Spacetrucker. This article holds threads that could be taken and woven by many to create the real life web (not, www). For me, I don't need air from this, I get Oxygen from the light of day being shown on this festering mold feeding on humanity. Awareness is sustenance. Food is a trap. Duality. Trap. Duopoly is over. Two-party Tyranny is in cardiac arrest. thanks for the chat, friend, look forward to more. Contact me any time.