NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS: Time to Recommit to Being Our Best Selves! THREE WEEK FAST+ LIVER FLUSH- Wanna Join in the Health Warrior FUN!?

in #dakini5d7 years ago (edited)

2018 is fast-approaching, Stemians! It's time to begin anew and UPLIFT our lives to the next level!

For the most part, I have been posting news on Steemit and haven't gotten into too much else. The reason is that I like to live most of my life outside of the digital matrix and can't see spending more time than necessary building the block chain for AI intelligence. I know the Infinite-of-things is the real deal that the "internet" seeks to replace with full spectrum "smart" technology (simulated reality) and I choose, therefore, to primarily and wholeheartedly participate more in That, in real life with real people in natural space and time. I love Steemit as a means of communication, but not as a replacement for 3D (or 5D!) living.


But I am passionate about health and spirituality and believe they energetically intersect as we are born to live in these vehicles called bodies that are beautifully constructed and are built to embody infinitely more intelligence than a block chain AI could ever contain.

So, I will be embarking on my New Year's Fast and Liver flush in a couple of days and wanted to invite the Steemit community to join me, as I believe that restoring the integrity of our DNA and cellular health by fasting is one of the healthiest things we can do as we try to thrive in this artificially toxic environment due to deep state eugenicists wanting to kill off so many of us with geo-engineering, poisoned water supplies, GMOs and Big Pharma medical tyranny that runs the gambit from over-medication, chemically-induced disease and vaccinatons (iatrogenesis).

The plan is this: 21 days of detoxification and fasting to uplift myself (and the Steemit community, if you wish) into the next level of health, DNA repair and spiritual awareness! Fun Times! The fast will culminate with a liver-rejuvenating Liver Flush to get stones/sludge out of your gall bladder and liver.

Why would you want to do this health boost New Year's challenge with @dakini5d? I love to fast! And I am trained in nutrition, yoga science, yoga therapy and meditation and have been doing this stuff for nearly 30 years. Having said that, I am not offering a hand-holding experience with this idea for a group fast. I AM saying that I WILL post my daily protocol for juicing and water fasting and will give you the best tips I know to pull off a very effective liver flush! Either way, I will share my daily blog of my experiences and will commit to answering any questions that come into my comments, prioritizing those who share my posts.

Here are a couple photos of me teaching Svaroopa yoga, which means "your own true essence" and is the most extensive yoga teacher certification program in the United States, focusing on spinal release, which is also a gateway for awakening consciousness and sloughing off long-held encumbrances.



During the fast and rejuvenation, I will be continuing with my daily practice of meditation and will share with you how to achieve an easy daily meditation practice to help with your mental health during your detox and fasting experience. As, I mentioned, I am a certified meditation teacher and I LOVE to meditate!


Every time I fast and rejuvenate, I experience a download of information from the multiverse that is hugely informative for the next leg of my journey. 2018 will be a pivotal year in modern history and I want to be as healthy and present and conscious as possible to be able to be of service and participate in this amazing Moment on Earth!


If you want to participate in this little New Year's Rez movement, you will have to commit to at least 15 minutes per day of self reflection.


Roughly, we will get down with 3 days of smoothies and juice, to start. You will need a juicer or access to a juice bar. You will need a blender. I recommend you getting a simple juice fasting book such as The Complete Idiot's Guide To Juice Fasting. I also recommend you buy a kidney cleanse supplement to bolster your kidneys to ready for the detoxification that comes with fasting. A colon cleanse supplement is also advised.

When I see how the interest to this New Year's Fast Challenge shapes up, I will provide all the needed information for what you will need to prepare for January 1!

Mostly you are looking at buying (or picking from your garden!) lots of veggies for juicing!


Let's uplift and evolve into the New Earth together in 2018, Stemians!


I appreciate you viewing my post. Please leave any questions or interest you have in the comments. And remember:


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HAPPY NEW YEAR STEEMIT COMMUNITY! May we all be happy, healthy and spiritually ready for 2018! @dakini5d


I can already tell you this is going to be a Great series. I've watched quietly as you've grown your YouTube channel to over 5K Subs. I've witnessed intently as you came to SteemIt with that same Energy to collect a cooperative of over 600 Steemians while growing your skills in Cryptocurrency. Your work here on SteemIt steadily climbed to encompass a compassionate attitude for other Newbies who came here to follow and work with you... In short, there is nothing I see getting in the way of YOU and Your Will ; ) Shine on Bright Sis-Star! You're more and more each day!


A HUE-man must constantly exceed their level!

Thanks for your stellar support, FB! I owe a lot of my success on this platform to your consistent creative encouragement. I hope your entry into the new year is replete with resounding joy, my friend!


wow. this is kind of coming as a godsend. this is EXACTLY what i want to do. so i look forward to it, and i am going to take this as a SIGN for sure, that THIS is what i DO need to do . :)

Right on, @web-gnar! Let's clean out and regenerate! Get your juicer ready! And blender for the first three days. If you can, go out and get a gallon of organic apple juice and start drinking it and/or eat organic apples. You can do half purified water/half juice to cut the sugar. The hydrogen and malic acid is great for detoxification and will also soften up any sludge in the gall bladder/liver. Glad to have you on board!

Awesome! i have a juicer, and a magic bullet. Green apples right? we are after the apple pectin? the skins of the apple that do the detoxing right? Interesting you mention hydrogen in the gut from apples, i heard clif high saying hydrogen in the gut from apples helps the C60 stuff he talks about pull all free radicals out of the body. Will get those apple supplies!

Yes, granny smith apples and eat the skins or juice the whole apple minus seeds. And yes to C60! I am planning to start on that after the fast, which I am very excited about! I will blog about the effects. Do you have fasting experience? You may want to buy the liver-cleanse kit from to help support the liver and clean out the colon as you go through the fast and prep for the liver flush. Dr. Group is the guy who formulates the best of the sups for Infowars and his quality is excellent. I also recommend upping your water intake (distilled if you can) and buying renaltrex from Group to cleanse the kidneys. There are steps you generally take in cleansing and you start with the kidneys and then move to the colon. So, if you are able to buy those products or one's like them, that would be great to do over the weekend. Glad to have you onboard @web-gnar! We are gonna feel GREAT for the new year!

my only fasting experience was a Dr. Robert Morse grape fast, which I did for 5 days. I ate nothing but grapes. But then, I ate a chimichanga and have been unhealthy since. I did go out and buy 6 organic granny smith apples. saw your shopping list from today, I will follow along with your guide but I will be several days behind. Do I NEED the special herb supplements?

Happy New Year, @wen-gnar! The sups are up to you depending on the state of your health. If you are fairly vital and don't have chronic inflammation, sluggish digestion or liver, then you will be fine without them. You can do this for as long or short as you like. You can take a day off and eat LIGHT food (not chimichanga's if you are coming back to fasting the next day!) if you need a break. You can also get a bone broth powder or cook some bone broth if you are into that kind of thing and some chick-pea miso and dulse and make a hot broth to drink here and there to tide you over if you get the no-eatin' blues. Supplements just super-charge the process if you are already healthy. But if your organs are compromised and you really are going to do some heavy detoxing, then they really make the difference. Talk to you tomorrow for day one. Feel free to start with a basic smoothie of 2 cups spinach, 1/2 cup blueberries, half an avocado and water + or - almond milk. I will post in the a.m.. I also posted another addition today about what to buy to prepare!

Very exciting :)

Gonna join in the fun, WHA? Happy new year to you, my friend! How's the xanax treating you? Alternate leg?

I want to :). Think i need to quit the beer first. Been itching to do exactly this. Ill be following and taking notes :). Ive done the alternate leg but not sure if im doing it right. Feels good tho. The yoga link u keep sending me isnt working for some reason. Wow the 1st med to actually hit my main pain and what do ya know, the whole rest of my body has lossend up! Also i am not throwing up anymore and my eye sight has improved. Im thinking its all coming from my neck/nerve. Ive been taking very little as i really dont like pharma and have seen people get messed up on xanax but it has helped me biggley ;)! Nice to feel comfortable in your own skin! HAPPY NEW YEAR and sending good vibes)))) <3

Wow, glad you found me! I clicked on your name as you upvoting my last post. We are basically on the same path. Great post and great challenge! "I want to be as healthy and present and conscious as possible to be able to be of service and participate in this amazing Moment on Earth!"

Thanks, threehugs! I hope you have a wonderful transition into the New Year and I am so glad to find you as well! Health activism is so crucial in the New Earth paradigm shift! Happy, Health-ful New Year!

Yes it is! God Blessed and have blessed 2018!

Well- Dakini5d you just get more awesome the longer I know you! I look forward to reading your posts and its about time to do a 3 day juice fast over here too. Much love and Happy New Year! <3

Thanks for the awesome compliment, @sunsquall! Ditto, btw! I figure its such a major time of change that we better be prepared to embody it all by enlivening our containers! Let me know how your juice fast goes! I try to do a 3 day once per month and I am overdue for a longer fast so here we go! I'll share all the glorious and gorey details on Steemit! Happy New Year!

B 1 with the source...

I know you are west coast but this is GOOD STUFF very informative. Deserves a resteem.

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