ⒶⒷⓇⒶⒽⒶⓂ - some of our greatest contributing geniuses did not have college degrees

in #dailyquotes5 years ago

If a worry about a lack of education comes up, talk it down. Acknowledge that some of the greatest contributing geniuses in your technology age did not have college degrees… They were self-taught. They had an idea and they gathered to them people who could contribute to that.


Excerpted from Asheville, NC on 5/1/05

Abraham is the name given to a non-physical collective consciousness which speaks through a woman called Esther Hicks

In the photo:

A wine growing valley not far from our home. Pyrenees Mountains 2018

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Since I started reading them each morning I have been able to change the way I think and five years on I am able to manifest exactly what I desire in my life using the Law of Attraction. By reading these words on a daily basis, you can achieve this too 🙏🏻

I made this time-lapse film so that others may feel my passion...

Here are two posts which will be helpful if you would like to learn more about Law of Attraction:

What is Law of Attraction

How to practice Law of Attraction


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Hello Tony. Long time no see.

Have spent the last year without a phone (which has been very refreshing) but as soon as I have one I will give Appics a try ;)

We live in the Internet Age. Almost every subject someone wants to learn can be learned by using the Internet along with books--those old dusty things with paper that most people won't use in the near future.

Universities do allow access to systems that a person wanting to be an engineer would never be able to afford. People going into the medical profession would have a hard time finding a cadaver to work on as another example.

Those professions are the exception to the rule though, and most people going to college are wasting their time.

Hey there! Great to see/read you again ;)

It has been a long old crypto winter hey, but times do seem to be changing again....

Yeah, this quote caught my attention because my father had no education. Yet by the time he was 30 years old he owned 17 corporations. Also, am really looking forward to educating my kids! In truth it began a long time ago, though the kids are not even aware of it and what I see is that they learn best when they are busy having fun. And their memory is incredible! Esteban is three and his French vocab is already better than mine.

I've never met anyone with a degree, ( non science degree ) that I would come anywhere close to be included in the top 20 of the cleverest people that I know of..

Says a lot...

I tell my children to learn a trade, profession, and at least one more language other than English. Some professions require university study. I agree though that most people going to college are wasting their time. Here in Virginia you don't even need to go to law school to become an attorney. They have a "Law Reader" program that allows you to work under a mentor to prepare for the exam instead.

I forgot you were in Virginia. I have a bunch of brothers & sisters over there in Stafford County. One of these days I really must come and say hello ;)

The way I look at it, learning how to grow food is one of the most important skills we can teach our kids.

Sounds about right to me. I might even argue that my extensive (and expensive!) education had the effect of de-educating me. It closed me off to the further investigation of so many subjects because I was sold them as 'truth'. Which they are not!

I know what you mean...I know other people say exactly the same thing.....it's criminal!

When I first started writing, I had a blogger flat out tell me I would never get anywhere because I didn't have an English literature degree. At the time I naively believed him, but now I know that I was surpassing what he had done, and he was trying to hold me back for whatever reason...

There's a lot to be said about being self taught. You have the passion to want to succeed. Sure, you'll make arguably elementary mistakes at first, but that is how you grow. And raw talent will almost always succeed over a piece of paper...


Most people, including your family and supposed friends, will hold you back. It's a sick human trait. I believe it is mostly because your success through hard work highlights their laziness.

There is quite a bit of truth to that. Maybe not family as my family have always been supportive of me, but there are people in the world who say they want you to succeed but could be secretly sabotaging you.

I always want to surround myself with successful people and people with kind hearts, but I guess not everyone is the same as me...

Thanks bro. I can see this one really resonated with people. Which is great!

My kids are already in education, The School of Fun ;)

The most important thing is support. Support to nurture whatever talents they have. After teaching for 6 years I have seen more than enough teachers who simply don't care, and it can destroy any confidence a student may have.

Yeah, education is important, but that doesn't necessarily mean a piece of paper...

Before I forget - thanks for the Asheville reference pic- I knew I recognized the mountain range ...we lived in the Waynesville area for years - 1 kid was born in Asheville ❤️❤️ and I’m very glad you opened this up ... my kids struggle with going to college and we seem to value life - it is what we USE with an education and it’s not a “magic pill” have a great day to you and your fam today !!! ❤️❤️❤️’d the post

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You're right about that. It sure isn't a magic pill!

I am intending to have lots of time for my kids (once crypto goes up a bit!) so that I can educate them myself. Am hoping they don't want to go to school but will ultimately leave it up to them. Though their perception of school is crafted exclusively from TV & internet films, which don't really give an accurate picture of what it is.

What will be will be :)

I homeschooled 2 of my 4 kids -and my other 2 was not about to have it, however they are all so different and where my other kids thrived some pretty much ran and could not be conformed. You seem aware and you will easily pick up on your kids vibe... it’s such a crazy journey ☕️☕️☕️, 🍸

Posted using Partiko iOS

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