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RE: Abraham of the day - Even babies are the creators of their own experience

WhaT a GREAT V-iD !!!!!!!! - ))
WoW !!!!! PerfecT MusiC TOOOO !! - ))

.. oh MAN !! - )))
... the beginning WAS THAT THE REAL START ?? - ))
WherE YOU TWO met ... on a BUS ?? - ))

PLEASE enTer this V-iD here - ))
SUPER GOOD !!!!!! - ))

GreaT POST !! - ))

greb'Z )


Thanks dude. Yes, we met on a bus ride between Chiang Mai and Pai in Thailand. A bus ride that changed my life :)

Appreciate you watching the film. A load of time went into making it!

I will check out your post now :)

... love it! A great idea you have there. I upped & resteemed it to get you some more coverage.

It's not my post - ))
... but i had just seen IT .. thought of YOU and a couple others - ))
i LOVE Chiang Mai ... !!! - )))
... rented a motor bike a traveled in a north west LOOP -))
.. in 1990 ??? - ))

YOU've GoT MoxY BROTHER !!! - )))
.. it must FEEL GREAT !!! ... BE-i-NG YOU !! - ))

... im HAPPY for YOU !! - ))


the basis of life is absolute freedom
the reason for life is absolute JOY
the result(s) of life ... never ending expansion !!!!!!!!! - )))

OH YEAH .. !!!!!!! ... hi .. ABE ))))))))
... thanks ESTER - )))))))))))))))
ha ha )))))))

Ah well, I resteemed him anyway. It is a good idea for sure. One that I would like to take part in... if I only had a bit more time!

Blessings to you bro.

I love your style :)

Here's to never ending expansion!

NeeD more T_i'mE ... what >>>>>>> - ))
ha ha )))
... ENTER today's V-iD !! - ))

The PRIZE .. is the JOY .. a wider audience DESERVES !! - ))
... and the 'editing' inspiration for any ONE else who enTers - ))

.. i suspect the more admissions .. ??
.. the wider audience for the author .. ??

Everybody w(in)s ... !! - ))
... i don't want to be sneaky and enter it for YOU - ))))))))
ha ha )))

... sounds kind of FUN though - )))
FinD a contest .. and then find the content that fits - ))
... my first STEEM "gig" - ))
... a STEEM FairY .. ?? AngeL .. ?? .. hmm ???
.. hmm ... what kind of magic being .. rides a HarleY ?? - ))

ha ha )))

It's funny. The way you write reminds me of the person who introduced me to a raw vegan lifestyle... which changed everything for me! Thanks for this lovely reminder :)

Does my baby time-lapse count as a special skill?

ha ha ... T. Hanks ... !!! - )))
.. and, !!!
!!! ON an ... INFINITE NUmBEr of LeveL'S !!!!!!!! - ))

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