Minnie - dog rescued from dog fights

in #dailypetphotography5 years ago (edited)

I wanted to write about this topic a while ago, but whenever I sat down to write, I started to think about it, and it made me sad. But 2 days I saw a post about this, and I decided is time to share this with you.

About 6 years ago, I had the honor to meet this beautiful dog. We were friends with her owner but I didn't meet his dog for a long time. Mostly the dog was home because he didn't take her with him and then one day we were going for a coffee, and of course, I had my dog with me and there was my friend with his dog. Dog named Minnie. When Minnie saw my dog, she started barking and grunting, and a friend told me not to let my dog off the leash. He told me, she won't do anything but just because of precaution. Of course, I asked why, because my doh is very friendly and she loves other dogs, and then he told me a very sad and disturbing story.

He found her in an animal shelter when she was only 3 years old. They brought 4 dogs from Serbia which were rescued from dog fights. She had wounds all over her body, with clipped ears and without a tail, and when he saw her, he knew this is going to be his dog.

They started to train her when she was only 3 months old and when you are trained to attack and kill other dogs, this stays in a dog head. Every dog is an enemy. But she had such a big heart. She loved us and most of all she loved her owner. I think every dog has feelings and I think she was grateful to her owner for rescuing.
Every time when we came to visit them, she always came to me and cuddled with me, and always gave me a big kiss on my cheek ;)

Dog fights are definitely one of the most disgusting ways to torture animals. Fighting dogs are being raised in isolation and they are living of most of their lives on short, heavy chains. They have regular workouts to combat, they are being drugged and full of steroids to increase muscle mass in aggression. Most have crocheted ears and they are cut very close to the body to reduce the area where they can get bitten. They usually cut them their ears and tails in the most inhumane way in a cruel way with axes, knives, scissors, etc.
According to historical facts, the beginnings of dog fighting date back to 1750, and the emergence of professional fighting dates back to 1860.
Dogs used for fighting usually remain in cages and chains, many of them starving and torturing to trigger extreme survival instincts and aggression. The fight can last for hours but ends only if one of the dogs is too damaged to continue or if he dies. When they are no longer useful for combat, these dogs are often used as "bait" for wildlife or thrown away, tortured, shot, or drowned. Dog fights can take place in different locations - from secluded farms, forests to planned events. Usually, dogs fight are in a so-called pit, which is something like a ring enclosed by a fence from which dogs can't escape.
While this bloody sport is forbidden in most part of the world, dogfighting in China is still legal and organized across Asia. Gambling remains illegal in Asia, but dog fights are allowed ?!
Although the dog fights seemed to be dwindling in the 1990s, many law enforcement and animal organizations noted that they are rising again in recent years. They attribute this to the Internet, which gives dog fighters more opportunities to share information about dog fights and fighting dogs.
Such people are very well protected, and not easy to find. They are located on illegal web portals, and is very difficult to get in, someone always has to recommend you or you need to get an invitation from within. There is a huge amount of money in this business and people do not want to lose it.

I'm just without words. It's so hard to accept that people are without feelings. Why don't they fight themself? Why are they needing someone to fight for them?

"There are no dangerous dogs, there are dangerous people who make dogs like this!"




Minnie was an amazing dog, with such a big heart. We all loved her. She always made me laugh when she turned on her back and waited for me to start caressing her tummy.

Minnie died last year because of heart failure.

First three years she lived in a horror, but for the next 7 years she had the most amazing happy life.

She will always be loved and in our hearts and she will never be forgotten.

We love you, Minnie. Rest in peace ❤

with love, @Tinabrezpike


Thanks for sharing this and I am so pleased that over all Minnie had a happy life full of love. Lots of love to you for being the wonderful caring person that you are.... we need more people like you in this world xxxx

@sallybeth23 thank u so much for this comment 😚 she was really lovely dog and grateful too ;) every time you gave her some treat she gave u a big lick on your face 😂 and we understand why she didn't liked other dogs but she never attack...and I will never forget one time we were going to vet and they were there too and when she saw my dog she started to lick her 😂😂 they are all best friend when they need to go to the vet 😂

You have such lovely memories. Dogs are the best friends for us and each other.
Have a great day my friend.xx

Oh dear, when will it be, people become people. How many abominations happen in this world

I know...I dont know why do people need that? Do you feel better then or what? It was so hard to write about that but I just needed to share this story with you

I think a lot of things go wrong in human childhood. We have to change a lot fairly. And not only in childhood, a lot of things go wrong

We need to change a lot of things...but a lot of people is still not ready to open their eyes...it's hard to live in world where people killing people and animals and abusing children...is easier to live live with eyes closed :/

When the great pain that throws you out into the world and you get resentment and slowly return to your own world to be able to cry and become a little more conscious every day and open yourself up, I think you find the key to the world. How can these terrible things happen? I judge the existing, why people come under pressure or do things, we all have to open our eyes and let our minds understand to do changing things.
Minnie's dreaming. She's fine, tinabrezpike.

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Oh yeah, this is really old "sport". Some groups have fights with animals like rooster, snail (who is faster), snakes, cats... anything that can be fought against the other member, while people take huge bets. I think countries can write any laws they want and some small groups will still have their own sport where there is huge money involved. Sad but true.

And people call this sport 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Money is power ...it doesn't matter who is suffering...🙁

Right. If you look at the history, that's how system always worked. People would stand out and do something only if those things would happen to them, so that's why nothing changes.

Hi @tinabrezpike,

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