Ulog - DailyPetPhotography "Our Resident Squirrel" by SunscapesteemCreated with Sketch.


This is our lovely, little friend we call "little man." He loves coming to our back porch every morning and evening to hang out with us. He has made himself a part of the family and loves to lay on the porch to cool off. Often laying only a couple of feet from one of our cat's Tucker. CoCo our little dog gets so excited when little man shows up.

We now consider our daily friend a part of the family and our pets do too. They never bother to try to discourage him from his daily visits or try to chase him either. I love that he trusts us so much to make himself comfortable while we are all sitting on the porch for family time. Here are a few photos of him visiting.






Thank you for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed meeting our little pet.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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Sunscape's Soap Shop


Nice portrait shots! Closeups and "baby on a blanket" shots, too. I love it! My parents had a bird feeder and a suet block hanging for the birds in front of their dining room sliding glass door to watch them while they enjoyed their meals. The squirrels heard about it and came up on the deck (second story, no less) to eat the seeds and nuts the birds dropped when foraging on the feeders. Wish I had been more of a faithful family photographer like my sister was and photo-documented things like that. They had large flocks of wild turkeys, deer, and even foxes with cubs paying them visits, not to mention all the wild birds. My father had water tubs for them, and sometimes grass hay if it was a bad winter for the area. I miss that!

Thank you, isn't it wonderful to be able to have such great memories from your parents home. It is such a joy to be able to enjoy the wonderful variety of nature that can visit a backyard feeder. we feed all year long a ton of things for every one to enjoy and I would not have it any other way. It is such a delight.

sweet man!!!! They really are adorable little creatures!

They sure are adorable.

That squirrel is intense!

He is official family now son!

Wow, it's a beauty!!! I love squirrels and when I lived out of the city I love to watch them!

Hi Silvia, I know what you mean, they are such a joy between them, the chipmunks and all the different birds we have a lot to be thankful for.

Where arevthe nuts..? Lol!

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hahaha he comes every day for his share of the peanuts and just chills out with us.

Adorable Little man, Tucker in the picture looks like my Dexter.


I know right, I have said that before, those to look a lot alike.

Thanks so much for partaking in dailypetphotography. Please follow @dpet for upcoming events. Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.

Thank you for the invite, I appreciate the daily pet postings.

Ohhh adorable! I truly love squirrels! I have an squirrel who visits me a few times in the year. I have a flower pot sitting on the fire scape where I live, so usually I find the squirrel sitting on top of it! ;)

How fun is that, he comes up that high just to see you.

I like your friend.
He looks like he feels really comfortable around you.
Great shots @sunscape.
Have a lovely weekend.

Oh thank you, he is comfortable. I think he would follow me in the house if I let him.... lol

Wow nice photography ....!

Thank you vijayb enjoy your weekend

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