DailyPetPhotography "Lap-time, All the time" by Sunscape


I do not know what it is about dogs, and cats that possess's them to always want to be in your lap. What is that, I ask? It just seems funny to me that the moment you settle into a spot to relax, one of them is like..... ummm me too! Here are a few photos of my lap-time moments. lol





IMG_1012 (2).jpg

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Sunscape's Soap Shop


They must be picking up on your beautiful energy just as soon as you have a moment to just sit down and relax. Your cat and dog are so beautiful ~ Lovely to see how your cat loves to be held like that. Makes me want to have a cat again so much. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

Hi Ally, that is such a sweet thing to say. They sure do love lap-time, and that is almost anytime I go to sit or even lay down. They run to the chairs and wait for me to settle in with a blanket on my lap. I just love them all. Cats are either lovey or anti-social, I have a mix within the three I have. But, CoCo is always a love bug, then again dogs love attention. lol

You have such beautiful babies! <3

Thank you so much Debralee, we love them all. How are you dear?

I'm doing really well & hope you are too! :D

Worst is waking up in bed with 6 cats all over you... :-)

OH NOW MIKE, I know you could not be happier, perhaps except for a little more leg room to turn around in bed. lol

Precious moments like those are priceless! They love the love. Such furry angels :)

HI, I do love them so, they just want to be loved on all the time, how sweet is that?

They are cute and happy, enjoying your company 🐶 🐱

Yes they are Erikah, I just love them all! I can't imagine life without a pet or two.

That is very sweet.

Such sweet, cuddly photos! Everyone looks so happy.

Hi Melinda, how are you? Winter season is kicking my behind with cold season and my arthritis is kicking up its heels pretty good. I have not been on every day lately, trying to rest a lot in bed. lol When I get on, it seems I have not missed much. Where has everyone gone to? I am glad you are still here and being such a wonderful light to all.

I am so sorry that you have not been feeling the best this winter. It certainly is a cold one here right now. But I just stay indoors and watch it through the window. If you could looking around I think there is really just about as much activity as there has been all fall and winter. Over the holidays I had fewer entries in the shadow contest, but now it's right back up to the usual level of entries. This is such a great time to build your account that I would feel like I was really missing out on an opportunity if I was not working harder now than ever before. So I'm always here, stop by anytime!

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Hi @sunscape,

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.

Thank you, you are most welcome, I enjoy the daily challenges, and pets I have plenty of. lol

Haha ! That's because they feel it will be an awesome moment of relaxation and they don't want to miss it ;-) How cool is that to have this cute furries sharing those moment with you ? ^_^
Isn't the cat as big as the dog..? 😃 😊

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