Daily Pet Photography - Reptiles

in #dailypetphotography4 years ago (edited)

Here's a few reptiles I saw at an animal show last month.
Here's a couple common basilisk lizards. These guys are native to South America.
This is a crew of bearded dragons. These guys are native to Australia.
This is a pile of Argentine black and white tegus. They are a huge lizard at full size and can get up to four feet long.
This is an Asian water monitor. These lizards also get pretty large and are super active. They like swimming and climbing so a large enclosure is needed.
Here is an African spurred tortoise, also called a sulcata tortoise. These guys grow really large, big enough for a kid to ride. If you want one of these be prepared for a lifelong pet, they live up to 70 years.
Here are a bunch of water turtles, I forget the name of these guys but I think they are from Asia and are raised for food there. People here have small ponds in their yards to keep these as pets. You can also have a really large aquarium but it will take alot of cleaning as these guys are pretty messy.


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Thanks for sharing these nice photos!!

One dayI want to set up an elaborate terrarium with plants, a fountain and some frogs and lizards. Probably with small anoles and tree frogs.

My grandfather was bitten by an iguana, the wound was great, those lizards look much stronger! I imagine the wound of one of them, that jaw looks very strong!

Yeah a tegu bite would be bad news. I once got tail whipped by an iguana. It left a pretty descent scratch.

Wow, nice Reptiles photography.

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