Daily Pet Photography

in #dailypetphotography5 years ago


This is my post for #dailypetphotography by @dpet

Mr grasshopper was sitting on a brick and let me hold my phone inches from him. I thought he would hop away but I guess he liked where he was and was not going to move no matter what this crazy lady was doing.


I wonder if they only have one back 'leg' or is it even a leg?


Was wondering if that's your pet. Beautiful colours

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@fredkese It is not really my pet but it could be, he was not afraid of me and seemed to be friendly.

Nice to know

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @myjob,

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.

@dpet you're welcome

Hmmm, it seems to be missing the other leg... 😥

@ackhoo I thought it should have another one, poor guy. He seems to get around pretty good without it and looks healthy.

Fantastic photo!!!
This time of year, those grasshoppers seem really laid back. One sat in the morning sun on the deck while I hosed out dog dishes. Unfazed! I accidentally sent some water his way, and he just moved a few inches farther from me.
I almost wanted to adopt him and take him inside and give him his own little bed. :)

@carolekean you could call him George and love him, hug him and care for him, I do not remember how the cartoon went but I think you would know which one I am referring to.

The dog who kept picking up little animals to love and hug and care for, and they kept dying on him.
George! I forgot the name. Thanks!

@carolekean YES that is him, somehow I knew you would know what I was talking about. lol

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