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RE: My Life as a Boat Dog (The True Story of a Dog Who Sailed the Ocean w/His Humans... and some Cats)

The humans are inescapably lazy! lol..dang lazy bums. Hey I didn't know there was a dog boat version, that is too funny. Was it hard to get into the mind of your dog? lol.
those views! long were you guys doing that?


Ha, the prompt yesterday was "talking dog" so it inspired the post. We haven't written much of anything from his perspective before!

I was on the boat for a year. Patrick was there for two years. The kids were off and on for a 6 months to a year, to two years!

what the??? you don't say...that's amazing.
what did you do for income?
and you probably already wrote about it but where all did you go?
what are this "prompt" things and where do they come from? lol
I don't get it. A Prompt shows up and you have to do a post about it?
can I give you one and you have to do a post on it?lol

The prompts are from @mariannewest (Sorry, I've gotten VERY lax on posting the links to her daily prompts!) and it is part of the daily #freewrite challenge.

I haven't written about it much as of yet. I keep waiting to do so. We lived off of savings. It was EXTREMELY cheap living. No rent, no utilities, etc.

This is actually how it all began:

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