Daily pet photography event. My entry №143 of @kona.

This is a daily call from @kona! To participate, read the participation rules.


Knopka is a very naive cat. She truly believes that no one sees her and she is very securely disguised behind a bush of pepper. Knopka thinks that if her eye is not visible in the leaves, then this means that it is not visible all. And we pass by and pretend that our cat is invisible.

Кнопка дуже наївна кішка. Вона по-справжньому вірить, що її ніхто не бачить і вона дуже надійно замаскувалася за кущем перцю. Кнопка думає, що якщо її очей не видно в листі, то це означає, що її не видно всю. А ми проходимо повз і вдаємо, що наша кішка - невидимка.

camera Nikon Coolpix S2700

Good luck!


Thank you for Your attention!

Follow me! @inna-yatsuk


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Кошки захватят мир)

Точно! И будет планета кошек!!

Hi @inna-yatsuk,

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.

The adorable Knopka is now invisible. 😀🐕 A beautiful sunny day to play outside and Knopka is having fun. 😀

She is beautiful even when invisible))).

Congratulations! One of your previous entry last month to the Dailypetphotography was selected for the Month of Oct contest. The monthly contest closes on 8 Nov . Hurry up and come and vote for your favourite three pets of the month here !!

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