Daily Pet Photography Event - Day - 280 !! - Soi Dog.

When i am out and about in the street of Thailand you always see many dogs or cats on the streets and lot are homeless but that doesn't worry me if they are homeless or not i always love to say hello to them if they look friendly enough and normally it depends on how you approach them this fella seem like he wanted a bit of a attention and a scratch he slowly approach me as i bent to the ground and it was all good he excepted my friendship and so did i. I quite liked the look of this dog he reminded me of a half wolf and part husky with facial look.






Category : #dailypetphotography

Camera : iPhone 6


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Thank you Sir much appreciated :)

He is gorgeous. Why not adopting him? Just look at those eyes...how can you say no? 🙂

I know my friend everytime i go for a walk and see them i want to bring them all home if i had a big farm i would but i always go back to see them again and take them some treats :)

Yeah...this is so sad. Same here: not enough space to offer a happy life to poor furry souls.
Thank you for treating them with so much kindness.

He is gorgeous, i would want to take them all home with me :(

I know i feel the same way when i see them on the streets :)

Hi @hangin,

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
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This is a very friendly dog! He has very good manners!

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He certainly did i wanted to take him home :)

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So sad he is timid about affection. Such a beautiful animal. Still proud.

Yes some of them really take some convincing before they approach you and some to scared to do so poor buggers :)

You at least do what you can!

Thanks @nananini i try do my best :)

wow!!!! what a beautiful dog!!!! is he homeless? he looks great

Homeless but lives in the temple grounds and gets feed by the monks he is a good looking dog one i would take home :)

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