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RE: Group Photo, the Boys: Bobi the Bad, Bear, ad Prince - Daily Pet Photography

Your children saw!!!!

Ohhhhh the story just got even WORSE - which proves my contention that one must never, ever say, "It could be worse." If you say it, "worse" will promptly happen. Ohhh the horror!!! I had a nightmare somewhat like this about our firstborn, but I woke up before those little blonde curls went under for the last time. This was not a dream - this really happened. And I came within five feet of seeing our beloved ginger tom shredded by a dog. Wow. How did I get so lucky, your children so severely punished (for forgetting the leash)?


@carolkean I did not punish them, but I did tell them that is why I wanted the dog on the leash, I knew he would go for the water. I think they punished themselves for not listening to me I did not have the heart to give them more pain. To this day I believe they can recall the pain of that day.

i know YOU did not punish them - seeing the alligator take their dog was the ultimate punishment. And the punishment didn't fit the crime, so to speak. Those poor kids!! I feel for the parents who forget their kids in the car on a hot day (not that I can fathom forgetting to take the kids to day care!)-- what use is it to put them in jail for their horrific blunder, when they've suffered the worst punishment already? Now I'm horrified at my failure to write clearly and articulate what I really meant. Of course you didn't punish those kids who didn't use the dog leash. Nature did that. And what a terrible event in one's childhood. Thank you for sharing the story.

@carolkean I do not know how someone can forget their kids in a car. They are the most important thing you will ever have. I agree with you jail is not the answer. There is no punishment any greater. So sad.

Well, there's that movie "Home Alone," so it must be something far too many of us are capable of being guilty of. It almost happened to more than one mother I know! One left her 12-yr-old sleeping in the back seat. You'd think she'd have wondered, on getting the two younger offspring to bed, that the oldest of the three was missing. Nope. The child woke up, found the house locked, couldn't wake anyone, and pounded on the neighbor's door instead.... This mother was always super-busy and over-extend. Another young mother with babies too close together in age had a lapse like that. I asked if the sleeping baby survived the transfer from car to house, and she dashed out to retrieve the baby from the car... and no child is more treasured, more loved, than that baby. If heaven forbid that child had been harmed, the mother would have needed no futher punishment; just counseling and maybe some ADHD coping tricks. There's a Bible verse, Isaiah 49, "should a mother forget her baby or even the child within in her womb," so this must have been going on for thousands of years. I don't know. I cannot imagine. When we leave the house, even for a few hours at night, I picture the cat and the dogs and wonder how they're doing and where Bobi the Bad is lounging at the moment.

@carolkean I left my daughter at a gas station once. I had a flat and was changing the tire, she was asleep on the back floorboard on a pillow. I got the tire changed started the car and drove off, not knowing she climbed out the window on the other side and went into the station. I did not go far when for some reason I looked in the back and she was not there. This was in a small town and I knew the owner of the station/grocery/post office store. I felt like a terrible mother. I hear you about wondering how the pets are doing, back when we had pets, 2 cats 2 dogs I wondered what they did while we were gone so I set up a camera and saw the oldest cat would pester the dogs, she would swat them and make them move off the couch and she would lay there. lol

The oldest cat would swat the dogs and make them move off the couch--but not if you were home? What a scoundrel!! We had a surveillance camera aimed at the dog pen years ago to solve the mystery of who would open the door and let them out when we left to run errands. Speeding through the VHS tape, we caught the female collie go tap, tap, tap with her long snout, and she got a sliding bolt to release. So Houdini forced us to double-bolt. I couldn't have believed her doing that without having seen the video!

Oh, the gas station story... the child crawled out. That get you off the hook, especially if these were the days before seat belts or safety seats. Still. Those moments of terror when a little one slips out of sight!!

@carolkean yes before seatbelts and carseats, I knew she would be ok until I got back to her, I was more pissed than scared, this was before you had sickos who would do harm to a child, I knew the people there would watch her till I made it back which was like 5 minutes. She got a good talking to about climbing out of the car and not telling me. She never did it again.

@carolkean Animals are so smart, they can figure many ways to escape, we had a beagle who would climb over the chain-link fence, stick his feet in the meshes and go right over it.

Amazing little beagle!