Daily Pet Photography Event of @kona - Day114 - more Tommy

in #dailypetphotography6 years ago (edited)

More Tommy Llama love,

with daughter Claire, an image I treasure after the morning news.

For those who missed it:

Why I watch so many idiotic cat videos

Today's headline:

a man got 10 years for manslaughter - after murdering his mother by stuffing rotten apples down her throat. That's manslaughter? In ten years, this creep will walk free?

More pet photos, please!

Thank you, @kona, for #dailypetphotography!

To participate, read the participation rules here.

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Hi. I will upvote and resteem your post if you reply to this comment. 👍 a-0-0

Pleasant photo of a cat and a girl!

Lovely photo of you cat and daughter.
But how can one get get convicted of manslaughter for murder?
Murder is murder, manslaughter is manslaughter. Manslaughter is a careless accident, no? Stuffing apples down grannies throat after the fact isn't conducive of a careless accident.
But more to the point how do you get from that endearing photo that that gruesome headline?

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Sorry, Joe! I you'd seen my post last week on why I watch idiotic cat videos, it might have made more sense. Every day the newspaper/news/family (local gossip, I don't hear) is full of maddening, distressing, disturbing, frustrating stuff. My "go to" is idiotic cat videos on you-tube, or more cat and dog photos from my own little hermitage. Living in the now, focusing on the good, some days, I'm left with cats. But the news item on that man getting a mere ten years after killing his mother, and confessing to having killed her... he didn't mean to kill her.... but the gruesome details.... gaaaaahhhh, bring on the cats (no more "Send in the Clowns" - they're too scary)!

Hence, "More pet photos, please" - and @kona is my # 1 supplier :-)

Yes, but Hell has cat videos, I'm convinced.
Joe "not a cat video person" Nobel

Joe, you're not alone. The majority of humans, I'm guessing, would deny that they watch stupid cat videos, and those who post them or share them are universally scorned. I came out of the closet to say I am hooked on cat memes, pet posts, and @kona's #dailypetphotography as an antidote to the world. Today's headline: over a 70-year-period in the 1900s, thousands of women were sterilized by force, under state laws, and California had the most cases. Native Americans, Hispanics, Blacks, the poor, and women deemed "feeble minded" were sterilized, and famed philanthropists and do-gooders backed this form of eugenics. That it happened for so long, to so many, in our own country, even after Hitler's eugenics were denounced and defeated.... it's surreal. The things we don't know, as citizens. MORE CATS please...

Your headline wants me to reach for prozac. What were they thinking?

I don't begrudge you your cat videos, your guilty pleasure, your brain candy. If they make you smile, I'm all for it. Mine is old Bugs Bunny cartoons. Don't ask me why.

No need to ask why - now there is an INTELLIGENT form of mood-boosting, laugh-inducing brain candy! More like brain antioxidants and power food! Mel Blanc was a genius, and all the Loony Tune writers and whoever chose background music and the artists.... GREAT stuff! Maybe I need to find a source of Loony shorts as an antidote to the antidote (of cats). ;-)

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