Daily Pet Photography Event - Day81 - Dogs in Denial

In all our years of snow dog walks with Collies (the first pair lived Nov. 1999 - 2012), we've never seen snowballs like this sticking to the dogs! Both sets of Collies love the snow, love the outdoors (but not in hot weather), but this snow was different. Spring began March 20, but winter began all over again March 24.

Prince took it like a man,

Bear was in shock, then disgust,

Until we dried them off and let them in, and life was good again.

@kona, thank you for hosting Daily Pet Photography Event!︳每天寵物攝影活動!


wow....will the snow hurt him?
I didn't see it before, too amazing for us who living under the warm weather~

Some dogs are bred for life in the snow, and Collies have the coat for it, a woolly underlayer, and many layers over it, which makes grooming them so daunting, hardly anyone seems to own a Collie anymore. These dogs hate hot, humid weather, but love life in the cold. Prince was born in the snow to working parents who live in a barn and herd dairy cows. The seller's disclaimer: "These are not indoor dogs; they are working dogs; PETA activists need not contact me." Our Collies are indoor/outdoor. They have Iditarod sled dog boots, which always go missing during a walk.

That is so bizarre looking. Also, I've clearly never seen a collie outside of Lassie because I really didn't know their coats are that thick. I'm sure they get a little thinner during the summer?

Oh, the shedding, shedding, shedding, come spring and summer! Just when the end is in sight, cold weather is coming, and the thick, woolly underlayer starts in again. I could brush and groom 40 hours a week per dog and still not keep up. (It's a dog's life!)

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