Some important commands Sam learned (and all dogs should)

When training dog we always try to teach him some commands. These are special words that you repeat over and over to condition him to obey. In theory we can use any word we want to designate a command.

It is important to always use the same word for the same command. Mixing command words up is only going to confuse dog and make training him more difficult.

This is 4 commands Sam learned and he become really smarter and good dog.


"No" can be used whenever dog does something what should not be doing. The key thing to not forget is that our voice tone is extremely important. Dogs are incredibly influenced by body language and voice tone.

"Good Dog"

Saying "good dog" let us our pup know that they're doing right. At the time we say this we should incorporate it with an real gesture praising our dog for a job well done. This one should come naturally to almost all of us.


Sit your dog down and with a stern tone, tell your dog to "stay". In the event that he doesn't listen, say "no" and begin again. The key is repetition and consistency.


To educate him to sit, use the command while lightly pressing his bottom to the ground with a hand and having a toy over his head with your other hand.

These lessons should be repeated several times a day until dog gets good at following our commands. Bear in mind that all dogs learn at different rates so keep at it and you will probably find success with your cutie dog.

Thanks for reading.


important commands

Mixing command

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