Sautéed Bitter melon/ Bitter Gourd (Ginisang Ampalaya)


Recently I was diagnosed with Hyperlipidemia ( condition characterized by high levels of lipids such as fats, cholesterol and triglycerides). Aside from taking medications, I was advised by the doctor to do some modification with my eating habits . I think this is very common because of the sedentary lifestyle most of us have. The bad news is that I am too young to be taking these medications but on the other hand, I am glad that I am aware of what is wrong which means as early as now I can do changes to manage my condition and be healthier.

So for you my friends, stay healthy , exercise and choose the food you consume wisely. Once in a while its not bad to give in to our cravings but we have to be mindful of what we regularly take in to avoid acquiring diseases like mine . Prevention is always a lot better than cure.

I had to do a lot of modification with what I consume. I had to lessen meat and anything fried , best option was to go with veggies. So with this, let me share with you one dish I normally prepare on a regular basis.

Sautéed Bitter Melon/ Bitter Gourd (Ginisang Ampalaya)

  • this vegetable actually has a lot of benefits despite its super bitter taste. For individuals with the same condition I have, Bitter Melon is actually a very good choice.


  • Garlic
  • Onions

  • Tomatoes

-pork / chicken / egg( you can choose any of these , this is just to add taste to the veggies )


  • bitter gourd / bitter melon /ampalaya ( TIP: after chopping soak it in a mixture of salt and sugar to eliminate the super bitter taste . make sure to let it sit for at least 10 minutes and rinse well with water before cooking )

------------------------------------ C O O K I N G T I M E -----------------------------------------------------------------

  1. Using oil, sautee the garlic, onion and tomatoes ( I choose olive oil bec its healthier for people like me suffering from hyperlipidemia)

  2. include the pork / chicken. Make sure its cooked and you can add a little bit of water to make sure meat is cooked properly.

  3. Add the bitter gourd / ampalaya. Make sure to rinse it before cooking . For others, they want their veggies half cooked ,so it really depends on your preference.

  4. Time to add the the beaten eggs. you can just spread it since its easily cooked. add pepper and salt until desired taste is reached.

I hope you guys enjoyed my version of this dish =) .

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This is one of my fave food po😊😊, even i tried to try to cook more than times still mot perfect. 😂😂😂

hi @essan-san same tayo . I learned to love it. lalo na ngayon I have to really eat it regularly. Dont worry mahirap naman maperfect.. Basta kakainin pa din natern right ? =) hahaha

saraaap, i'll try to cook it within this week :)

hehe salamat @judeeey03. post ka din ng version mo , para nabusog ka na may post ka pa =)

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I hope your condition improves and that you feel better really soon. I strongly believe in the power of nutrition to heal our bodies and I appreciate you sharing your story and recipe idea. Take care!

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