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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/10/18> Monday, Monday, …. that’s all I can remember.

in #dailydose6 years ago

I don't like anyone stealing anything from anyone. I used to hqve a cousin that stole anything not nailed down. Catch him with it the next day and he always insisted a friend gave it to him months ago. Guilt never was a concept he understood.

Last I heard, he was in prison for life. Don't care.

Stealing from a religious or charitable group sounds even more wrong. I'm sure that does not bother the thief; if they worried about right and wrong, they would not be stealing to begin with.

Speaking of planning ahead, does the church have a terrorist intrusion plan? Quite a few around here do, and even have licensed CC members carrying during services and functions, just in case.

Strange times indeed!


I agree on theft take you have, seems more wrong when church or charity is the victim.
I don't know that we have a terrorist intrusion plan, might have to inquire about that, you just never know.

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