Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/10/18> Monday, Monday, …. that’s all I can remember.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

Just can't remember...

Have you ever gotten the first couple words of a song in your head and then just can’t remember any of the rest? Well that just happened to me, I got Monday, Monday and then I came up blanks. I am not going to look it up, if it comes to me it does otherwise I know one of you will tell us about that song.
All I was going to do was point out we have a full work week this week for me, the holiday is long gone now. I didn’t expect to spend a full Daily Dose on WeKu but it happened for Sunday’s edition, which meant I didn’t bring you the latest news from the weekend.

The latest news...

I have mentioned our church here a time or two and for the record yesterday only one member of the family attended church, I am still holding on to the boycott and so is Blondie. The reason the others didn’t attend is because all the female members of the Papper family went camping for the weekend at one of the nearby Girls Scout campgrounds, including Blondie.

The oldest boy had to work Sunday so he didn’t make it either, so if the minister didn’t miss just me and Blondie he surely would have missed 5 of the 6 as not being there; if he even looked in the direction of the pew we normally sit in. Only our youngest boy went to church on Sunday.

Bad luck strikes...

The church also had a little bad luck over the weekend. The church trailer that is used by the volunteers that have been helping reconstruct Hurricane Harvey victims’ houses was stolen from the church parking lot over the weekend. Not only did the thieves get the trailer but they also got all the power tools and hand tools that were stored inside of it.

Just begging for someone...

I am not sure what the total amount in dollar value the loss will end up being but I can tell you it was like the church was just begging for someone to steal it. It was a nice aluminum trailer, fully enclosed model with a side door and the fold down ramp door in the back and it was in my estimation a 16 foot long trailer. Those trailers aren’t cheap plus it had a real nice paint job on it with all the “Hurricane Harvey Relief” type jargon on it and the church information.

With all the places the church has to park vehicles that are secure they elected not to park it in those areas. Instead they parked it in the parking lot at the intersection of the two roads that border the church property to the north and west. I guess the reasoning was so that the community could see that our members are actively working to help those still trying to recover from the storm.

Please steal me...

Parking it there was just an open invitation for any thief to come and take it, I don’t know if the church even had a lock mechanism on the tongue of the trailer to at least try and slow down any thieves, if they did, it didn’t work. The trailer was missing Saturday morning when the volunteers showed up to get the trailer and head out to do some work.

Belief ...

It is one thing to believe in God, and that God will protect you. That same God you are relying on to do His part expects people to do their part too. He gave us brains to think with and to be able to reason with and whoever made the decision to park the trailer in that spot didn’t think or reason it out.

Even the young girls...

The trailer had been parked out there for quite some time and even the kids have said that they thought it would end up being stolen if they let it sit out there too long. The kids saying that were the two youngest girls; even they had enough sense to know that it wasn’t the best choice to park the trailer there.

Coffee with the cops...

I don’t know if the church has had any theft issues or if the trailer was insured but anyone who lives in this area knows that people steal things from others around here. The local McDonald’s has a morning event they do once every three months called “coffee with the cops” so that the cops can keep the people of the area informed on just what crime is taking place right here in our area. I have been to a couple of those when I am in town and are taking place and I can tell you that theft is a problem.

I guess I could...

With all the people who work at the church it just boggles my mind that someone didn’t raise the concern of it sitting out there in plain view. I guess I could have mentioned it too but I have had a bit of an attitude with the church and so I never did mention it.

For the record, I didn’t steal the trailer, I have an attitude with the church and I am sure that will be corrected at some point in time. That point in time will be determined by one minister and you know that story.

Saturday I did...

Saturday I did go to church, just not our church. I went to the Presbyterian Church just up the road from our church and the reason was to support the benefit fund raiser they were having. Each September on the Saturday before the 11th they hold a fund raiser BBQ to support first responders in our area.

Madd Max...

Seeing how my cooks in the house had bailed on us for the weekend I got both dinner and supper for me and the boys. It was a hell of a deal at $5.00 plate and really good BBQ catered by Madd Max the BBQ man. A local Ford dealership actually paid for the meals so the $5.00 per plate went directly to the benefit.

SBI in tomorrow's edition...

Tomorrow marks Day 365 for me here on Steemit, which is September 11th, it is no coincidence that September 12th is my one year anniversary. Day 365 is special, and in honor of that day, I will be holding a contest.

The contest will have two prizes of 10 shares of SBI for each prize winner. All I am going to say is that you might want to take a look at that Daily Dose as early as you can if you want a shot at the SBI.

Until next time,

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Thank you so very much. I do appreciate you folks giving me a look and a mention.

I don't like anyone stealing anything from anyone. I used to hqve a cousin that stole anything not nailed down. Catch him with it the next day and he always insisted a friend gave it to him months ago. Guilt never was a concept he understood.

Last I heard, he was in prison for life. Don't care.

Stealing from a religious or charitable group sounds even more wrong. I'm sure that does not bother the thief; if they worried about right and wrong, they would not be stealing to begin with.

Speaking of planning ahead, does the church have a terrorist intrusion plan? Quite a few around here do, and even have licensed CC members carrying during services and functions, just in case.

Strange times indeed!

I agree on theft take you have, seems more wrong when church or charity is the victim.
I don't know that we have a terrorist intrusion plan, might have to inquire about that, you just never know.

Ohh yes I have that happen to me with songs all the time, But that one came to me right away and now I am listening to it as I type this , Havent listened to it for years

It does sound slike the trailer was an open invite to steal me thats crazy

Happy one year Anniversary tomorrow Incase i forget :)

Yes, the trailer just leaves you shaking your head in wonderment. Thanks for the congrats.

Your earworm is by the Mamas and the Papas (1966 by John Phillips)

Monday, Monday
So good to me
Monday mornin', it was all I hoped it would be
Oh Monday mornin', Monday mornin' couldn't guarantee
That Monday evenin' you would still be here with me

Monday, Monday, can't trust that day
Monday, Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way
Oh Monday mornin' you gave me no warnin' of what was to be
Oh Monday, Monday, how could you leave and not take me

Every other day (every other day), every other day
Every other day of the week is fine, yeah
But whenever Monday comes, but whenever Monday comes
A-you can find me cryin' all of the time
You are welcome! 🤣

Sorry about the theft, but it does sound like they were begging for it. An unworthy thought passed my mind...sometimes what goes around comes around...you steal from folks that just might happen to you...(Blondie's paper)

Tomorrow is an exciting Day! Happy Anniversary in case I forget! I forgot all about mine until it was past...too much happening here and it is difficult to keep track of what's going on...😢😟😔

I love that you support your community be attending fundraisers that aren't necessarily connected to your church. A $5.00 BBQ plate sounds like a good deal and you are helping raise funds for a worthy cause.

Well tomorrow is an exciting day for sure, that makes day 365 but the anniversary is the 12th, day 366 . So completing 365 seems more impressive to me even though it is one day less.
I always have supported that church's fundraisers, as we have plenty of friends that attend there and their fundraisers are always for a good cause.

sure hope the trailer somehow appear for us and we can all call it a miracle

That would be a miracle, my guess is it is probably in Mexico by now.

Any theft is sad, but especially so when it is a charity to help other people that need it... cry.png

Your song is: The Mamas & The Papas - Monday Monday

Thank you so much, yep that was the song and you are right, any theft is sad. Even the theft that goes unrealized is sad.

Oh my goodness, I can't believe someone stole the church trailer...that I must say is pretty low. And to think it was used for Harvey relief just makes it worse to me. Hopefully they have it insured... Glad you were able to find some good food for a good reason while all the girls were away!

I am fairly certain it would have been insured but not so sure the contents would be and there were several thousand dollars in tools from what the wife told me today.
There are some people that would steal anything and everything if given the opportunity, it is sad.
Thanks for stopping in today.

Common sense sometimes escapes people... shitty for someone to take a trailer that is being used for good, though. Anyway, congrats on one year here! I'll be reading that next post. :)

That next post is posted but I had to postpone the contest, the steemit block chain wouldn't accept the post because it was to large so that guzbucked everything.
Thanks for the congrats Sweetie.


lol! That's a new word. ;) All good. Still glad to celebrate with you on your Steemiversary. :)

What? You never heard "guzbucked" before??? C'mon, you have read my posts before. I created that word last year as part of a writing contest entry. It isn't as popular at the moment as it is in the year 2029 but more people are starting to use it here on the block chain in place of the F-bomb.
You are welcome to use it as well if you ever need to let one fly.

lol! Good to know. I'm fond of the f-bomb, but try to keep my public usage of it to a minimum. ;)

Well now you have a back up for when you need it.

Oh no that's so bad mr Papper, but really, people should not be so blasé about security anywhere! Have yourself a good Monday :)
Will check out weku, thank you!

You to Lizelle, make the most of your Monday . People just are really lax sometimes of securing their property,

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