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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/20/18 > Now even my hotel is trying to get me…snacking healthy.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Well thank you Steve , I appreciate those kind words. Biscuits and gravy are a great part of many a breakfast for folks here in Texas and the south each morning. Even some of the fast food restaurants that serve breakfast recognize that and have them on the menu.
I'll try and remember to let you know, I can assure if those biscuits and gravy get cut from Rosa's breakfast she puts together it will get mentioned for sure. Sometimes it is hard to remember everything that everybody requests follow ups on.

Like just last week it had hit me that somebody had requested a photo of a BBQ cooker that looks like a full life size bull. I promised that I would post a picture of one and it wasn't until a month later I finally remembered to do it. When I mentioned that kind of cooker I didn't have a photo of one but I finally remembered and got it done, the problem was I couldn't remember who had asked for the picture so I hope they got to see it.

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