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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/23/18> Decisions , decisions, and time is running out…

in #dailydose6 years ago

Sorry to hear the cancer got your husband. I think he made a good decision foregoing the chemo and radiation. Even if it didn't add any extra time from not doing it, I am pretty certain that it saved him a lot of unneeded pain and additional suffering.
Shortie might just become a famous fashion designer in the future, knowing her though it will be for doll clothing.
You would have to ask about the minnow III and I am probably the least qualified person around here to answer it correctly but I'll try and people can correct me if I am wrong.
When the developers of set up this platform they did it using a hierarchy of levels naming them from what you would find looking at an ocean Eco-system.
So it stares out the lowest on the totem pole is the crap on the bottom of the ocean floor, Plankton or as I call it , pond scum. And there are three levels of plankton.
To make it from plankton up to minnow, which also has three levels, a person needs to accumulate 1,000,000 vests. Vests I have been told are like little shares of stock in and are earned when you earn you increase your steem power in your wallet. The steem power level of 500 is the point you reach going from plankton I to minnow III and it is the point that you also now have the 1,000,000 vests.
Once you reach minnow status it also has three levels, level III , being the smallest minnow and you continue to add vests and work your way up in the system. I don't know the different thresholds for the levels in terms of vests, some else would have to help out here with that.
But any of these levels could be reached by just buying steem and powering up I suppose because life in this ecosystem is just like life in the real world , money = power. The more money you have the more power you can buy.
I found out from listening to others as they reached or were approaching minnow status, I never went and researched it but I am sure it is explained in the white paper or in the steemit FAQ's would be my guess. I hope this helps you, and like I said, I am probably the least qualified to answer it so if I got it wrong or left out something important someone will jump in here and straighten it up for us so we can both learn a little more about it.


I am not really paying much attention to those numbers because I like what I am doing and enjoy the friendships I have made here. It doesn't matter to me if someone is a plankton or an Orca, if they have good content and like to engage then I am in. Thanks for the explanation. I guess that makes sense.

I agree, the size of the wallet doesn't matter and if I never got past pond scum I would still be the same old man doing my same old daily dose. The people are what makes this place enjoyable and the friendships are where the real value is on here in my opinion.

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