Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/10/18> Not a bad start to the season … and more.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

So week one...

So week one is in the books over at the Steem Poker League and I am proud to announce that the Poker Pups aren’t sucking hind tit in the standings when the results were calculated and posted. In fact, we had a pretty decent overall finish as we are sitting in the third place at the moment.

All four of us...

All four of us showed up and played and we ended up with 5th, 6th, 11th, and 19th place finishes and when all that added together gave us a spot on the virtual podium in third place.

Damn, I just...

Damn, I just look at the date, I need to pay a couple bills today. It seems like it was the first of December yesterday. I guess the time and the calendar don’t stop just because you have your head buried in a computer screen just about every night working on something.

I think I mentioned...

I think I mentioned the oldest boy bought a late model used car back a few weeks ago. Yea, in fact I am sure I did now that I think about it. Well I know I didn’t mention this; he had the car exactly one week and as luck would have it he was parked on the street over at a friend’s house and the lady driving the mail delivery vehicle hit his car while it was properly and legally parked.

It didn't do...

It didn’t do a lot of damage to his car, but seeing how the car was absolutely flawless when it came to the body and paint, the six in scratch and two paint chips on the lower drivers side front fender had him fuming.

Not only did the lady hit his car she didn’t even bother to stop. He was fortunate that him and his friend were outside when it happened and they heard the scraping and look up it time to see it and have it register as to what happened.

They ended up stopping the lady and made her come back to look at it. She said she never realized she even made contact with his car, but she knew she was, “close”. They ended up having the post master from the local post office out there and he gave the boy all the information to make a claim.

He elected not...

He elected not to call the police and report it, since if he did it would show up as an accident on the vehicle history report when he decides to get rid of it.
He hadn’t even got the car added to his insurance at that point so he was really angry that it got scratched.

I told him...

I told him that it would be in his best interest to keep his insurance on his IROCZ even though he isn’t planning on driving it for the time being. He said, “I am not going to pay insurance on it if I am not driving it”. I told him, “you will be surprised so just ask the agent how much for both cars.”

His cost for...

His cost for insurance for both cars is $50 less a month than it would be for just his new car. He just couldn’t believe it but I told him he would be surprised. When you have two vehicles the insurance company figures that you will be splitting your driving time between them and you can’t drive both at the same time. So even if he doesn’t drive it, the IROCZ, it is a no "brainer" to keep it insured.

It is covered for...

It is covered for theft so if someone decides to steal it at least he won’t get stuck with nothing. I couldn’t resist the “I told you so” either, as a matter of fact I told him that a couple times since he seems to think that I don’t know a damn thing about anything.

I also told ...

I also told him that the damage to his car is about $500 and Karen at The Body Shop over by where he works gave him an estimate of $537.00 , so my estimating skills need a little work on estimating body damage. She also told him just like I did, take some rubbing compound and rub the scratch out and get a little bottle of touch up paint for the two chips. The chips in the paint are really low on the front and are about the size of dime and nickel and couldn’t really be noticed if you weren’t looking for them.

I have always...

I have always contended that insurance should be priced by the mile the vehicle is driven and at one point a few years ago there was a company offering it that way here in Texas. I don’t know if they are still in business are not, but my guess is probably not. The people who would use that type of buying opportunity probably don’t drive enough miles to even pay for the paper to print the policy and ID card let alone make a profit.

Someday I might...

Someday I might just look at purchasing a bond from the bond writers and self insuring that way. All the insurance companies do that for the most part (purchase bonds) so why not take the middleman (insurance company) out of the picture? I could probably get triple the amount of coverage for the same cost now that I pay. You know, a person could probably do the same thing with property insurance as well now that I think about. That just might be a project for 2019 when hopefully I will have some time to consider projects.

This week looks...

This week looks like a short road trip where I will be gone one night over to Austin, Texas. I have a meeting over there on Wednesday with a country club that wants to upgrade the irrigation control system. One thing that has been suffering is my rewards point’s accumulation with the hotel chain. Since I haven’t been traveling much of late my points are just about stagnant and not growing at all.

I did see...

I did see that our home town had the “honor” of being the shipping point for the body GHWB via train to College Station. I would like to know just who was paying the tab on that funeral. I have a pretty good idea that it wasn’t the Bush family and that the citizens of the USA got stuck with that tab.

I think service men that die get a death benefit of $250 or something like that( well the family gets it) to help with funeral expenses. My guess is that you could tact about at least five zeroes on the end of that $250 and still not be at the cost of planting his ass in the ground.

Speaking of that...

Speaking of that funeral, tRump finally got it correct on ordering the flags to half staff. He had guzbucked up every other time he did it but this time he got it right. As sad as the school, church and night club shootings are; they don’t qualify as events that the flag could be lowered for, even though he has done it for those.

I might also mention...

I might also mention that the dumb ass mayor of Houston ordered the American flag lowered to half staff in Houston when a city council member died not too long ago. Sylvester Turner is a bigger dumb ass than tRump when it comes to thinking that he has that authority, but the people dropped the flag to half staff and not anyone questioned it that I am aware of.

He surely had the right to order the actual “city flag of Houston” flag lowered but not the American flag or the Texas flag. It is almost a joke now on flying the flag at half staff; I just wish someone who puts the flags up and down the poles would actually read the flag code and tell these people that they aren’t going to do it when it is not appropriate.

I know there...

I know there are plenty of you who might think that I am making a big deal out of a small thing like what position the flag should be flown at. The reason is; the more things we let slide and turn a blind eye to the more the things will end up being eroded away over time.

I guess the American flag really won’t matter much in the future since the goal of the people in charge is to have the NWO running this and every country and I just really won’t give a damn then, it will be to late for that.
Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.

Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


Well, the American flag and how it is flown matters to me. I don't like the changes to the flag code, but nobody asked me. There are more flags flown per capita in Yuma AZ than anyplace in the US due to the number of military retirees and general copy cats.

Not one in a hundred gets half staff (or mast in my cast) right. Most now just put 'em up and leave them. They may or may not have a light as currently called for. Rain or shine, day or night, they are just hanging there.

I do have one neighbor that is rigorous with up at sunrise and down at sunset.

The thing that REALLY bothers me is a tattered flag. Any blemish on a flag calls for burning with ceremony. The local VFW will handle the chore, you just have to give it to them.

The insurance companies don't get it right for motorcycles. A second bike is a full second charge. I have argued, unsuccessfully, that I should just have to pay for the most expensive one and they get a bargain when I'm riding the other.

Ah well, such is life. Nice start to the SPL. With all four of you committed to the league you will gain some placing just by out lasting the others.

Yes, the flag gets hoisted and forgot about in a lot of cases with no light to illuminate it as called for by the code. I also have a pet peeve with the tattered flags, especially when they are at some expensive subdivision entrance and look ragged as hell.
Insurance is a racket and since it is required by law it is no wonder insurance companies do so well, they lobby the state elected officials who set the caps on the rates and it is money well spent by the insurance companies.
We get bent over and screwed, the elected officials get junkets and campaign donations and the insurance companies get to rob us with the governments blessing. Every one wins but us, same with health care.
Most of the players in the league are committed so just showing up isn't going to cut it when it comes to this poker league. it just so happened that last season I was on a team that had one player who wasn't committed and that really cost us in the points. We should be just fine as we have good players, all we need is just a little poker luck every now and then and we will be good.

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 337 (12/11/18)

Thanks my man. Really appreciate you making the Daily Dose a part of this edition of Flew Shot.
We lost a lot of good folks over at thesteemengine but it strictly had to do with member participation and like you said, it wasn't anything you did that got you booted it was just that you unfortunately had that move that took you away from being able to post for an extended period of time.
Right now thesteemengine isn't accepting any new folks but it will eventually open back up membership and bring on new folks so keep and eye out and re-apply when the doors open.
I appreciate your kind words you had to say about the Daily Dose, thanks very much.

Hi @sultnpapper! I am a curator for the You Got Snekked curation project and this is just to let you know that...:

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Thank you so much, I do need to come visit ya'll soon.

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Howdy sir sultnpapper! thanks for ending on a positive note. lol. You're right though and that's the main tactic of the socialists, to get a toe in or some little thing that people will accept and then steadily increase it and before ya know it you got big heap trouble.

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