Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 11/03/18> Some catching up and SBI Saturday in this edition…

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

Coming to you late...

This Daily Dose is coming to you late by my standards but it needed to be delayed for good reason. Yesterday I published a message I received in Discord from a dear friend and loyal supporter of the Daily Dose and you folks know her well, @cecicastor. The conditions in the country of Nicaragua where she is living are desperate and that message needed to be shared with the steemit community as she is very well liked in several circles.

Support for her has...

I shared that message in the #steemitbloggers community which she and I are both members of and the support for her has been awesome. I know that she is also involved in the homesteading type groups so if any of you who are members of such groups and know that she is a member in a group you are also in, please consider re-steeming that post so that her other groups she is involved with can read her words on just what her situation is currently down there. Here is the link to that post made yesterday.

I needed to thank...

I needed to thank all those people for their prayers, upVotes, and outpouring of love and support for her and I have caught up with that as of this moment. Hopefully with a couple re-steems into her other groups I will be even busier thanking others for their support as well. All the earnings of that post will be transferred to her by the way so when that post runs through its earning cycle I will transfer all those earnings to her account.

It has also been...

It has also been a busy last few days on the work and home front as well. With my work situation I literally do not know where I will be right now from one day to the next as the person who is in charge of scheduling service work has their hands full trying to decide which jobs might best be able to use my assistance on them. He told me to pack a bag of clothes for next week because chances are I will need them. So I expect that sometime over the weekend I will get a text or an email letting me know where and what I’ll be doing but at the moment I don’t know what it is.

I did go out and...

With that in mind I did go out and voted early on Friday after work, there is a pretty good chance that if I waited to vote on election day Tuesday I might not be where I could vote. Friday was the first time in my life that I voted individual races in an election. I had always voted a straight party ticket in the past.

I did hold true...

I held true to my word as I did not vote for one single incumbent on the ballot. So what normally would have been a straight republican ticket vote only had one race where a republican got my vote. That was a race for congress where the incumbent was not running for re-election and I believe Dan Crenshaw is a good honest man for the job so he got my vote.

Also, just to let...

Also, just to let @dollarsandsense know, I did vote Beto. There was a third candidate that I could have voted for but I dislike lying Ted Cruz so much that I cast that vote for Beto with the hopes that he actually wins. My other votes for the Libertarians and Democrats were mainly to be used to send a message to the Republican party that they are out of touch with their base.

The whole eight...

The whole eight years of O’Bama all we heard was how they would repeal the stuff he did if they could, but they needed the house, senate and the office of the president in order to that. Well they got everything they asked for and all we got was a bunch of lip service, so I can play their game too. “Sure I will vote Republican.’ as soon as I see them making good on their promises.

The evening was busy...

The evening was busy on Friday, I had the normal seven o’clock poker game which funds a lot of the SBI give away each Saturday, which we will get to shortly, but I also had to take the girls up to the Girls Scout camp at the same time as the poker game. The girls are trying out to be volunteers for the Spurs program which has to do with being a volunteer with the horseback riding at the camp. So Blondie and Shortie will have their hands full this weekend up there. I told them if anyone offered them any “horse apples” just to tell them you aren’t hungry.

Poker lesson learned...

So the poker game “stand in” I use for situations like this didn’t do very well Friday night. His flush wasn’t going to beat the four of kind that the other person had. I have told him plenty of times that a flush isn’t worth a crap when there is a pair showing on the flop. He had to draw into that Ace high flush to begin with anyway, which he did, but he got schooled that hand pretty well and left him with only seven hundred chips after that lost hand.

The real unfortunate part...

The real unfortunate thing was the very next hand he got four of a kind himself but was only able to double his stack to 1400 chips since only one other person stayed in on the hand. He ended up losing out not long after that but I think he learned a valuable lesson Friday night about paired boards and flushes. You can tell folks time and time again but until you experience it for yourself it never really sets in. Four of a kind is a rare hand and most times a full house will end up killing your flush, not the four of kind, but losing is losing and flush isn’t near as strong a hand as people think it is when pairs are showing.

Back to back hands...

To see to hands back to back with four of a kind is almost unheard of in poker, I can’t ever recall seeing that in my fifty years of playing poker and I have played plenty of hands in those years. The really funny part is I was involved in both hands and I still haven’t seen it, so go figure. I am now probably a part of Steem Poker League history and wasn’t even around to see it, I just hope people aren’t talking much about that the next time I log on to play, it will surely be hard for me to converse about having not been actually playing.

I have some more...

I have some more drawing s that I need to crank out this weekend so my poker playing will have to take a back seat to those this weekend and those pay a lot better for about the same amount of time as a poker game, plus I am the guaranteed winner in those. So if I do play any poker this weekend it may not even me playing it might just be my ‘stand in’.
Lets move on and give away some SBI, it is Saturday, and that is the main focus here on the Daily Dose with Saturday’s edition.

This week's SBI recipients...

This week we have @bigtom13 , @buttcoins , @thekittygirl . @lizelle , @ericvancewalton . All of these folks have been a big part of the Daily Dose in the time I have been here and I appreciate each and every one of you very much. Since I have rambled on so much already with all the updating I needed to do I am not going to give a little normal write up on each of these folks, just trust that each of these people are good people and mean a very lot to me and the Daily Dose.
So that wraps it up for this week’s SBI give away and while I did go way past the normal three folks getting shares it is for good reason, nothing seems normal any longer.
Until next time,

Oh yes...

Oh yes, @dollarsandsense and @cecicastor also receive a share for being mentioned in this edition, that tradition is one that will not change anytime soon, I guarantee it.

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


Thank you so very much dear mr Papper, humbled that I'm one of the recipients this week!
Steemit felt kind of empty when you closed the Daily Dose down for repairs, so glad it was just due to internet connectivity when you were on the road.
I really enjoy reading your blogs whether it's a grumble, chuckle, Sat SBI or BBQ review and especially thankful for keeping us updated about @cecicastor!
So glad you made that mistake with @simplylizelle and that @buttcoins alerted me unknowingly :)

Yes, I make mistakes and that was one I am fortunate to have made for sure. You are most welcome for the SBI and I do really appreciate all the support of this mess I call the Daily Dose.

Awwwww Thanks. I already feel like I get all the value from supporting the daily dose. I can't think of anyplace else on the planet where I could discuss the threaded joints in a pump string and be even vaguely understood!

Well, that makes two of us. I voted by mail and had my ballot in the mail box 3 days ahead of the 'day'. Like you I voted for 0 incumbents. I thought my county commissioner was running this year (and I've have voted for that incumbent) but I was wrong.

I can only remember one time that I had 4 of a kind (with no wild cards)and I showboated the end. "Two pair. Both Jacks." was my call. I wish I hadn't but I ultimately beat a guy that I played against a lot and got carried away. I apologized shortly after and he and I actually became friends. He's the guy that taught me that you CAN cut your friends heart out in a Poker game and should expect it to be done to you.

So life is good. Thanks for your part of that.

Well four jacks is a powerful hand and in some poker games making a announcement of your hand like that could have cost you the win on that hand. Most live poker games I played in the cards don't speak for themselves and the player has to say what he has. So saying "two pairs" is what you would have been credited with having and three of a kind would have beaten you.
Obviously, that situation would never happen in online poker since the computer is always going to calculate the hand as the highest possible hand.
Back in the mid 80's I was staying over east of the Mississippi River just south of Memphis and there was a bar on Brooks Road called "The Saloon". The owner of that place would have a poker game over at his condo the first and third Thursday of each month.
The game was Texas Hold 'Em and the ante was 5 cents / the max bet was the pot size. It was a cash money game and when you took a seat at the table you had to have your playing money on the table, there was no reaching in your pocket to bring out extra cash when you needed it.
I have only had four of kind in one live game and it was at one his games.
I had pocket queens and flop was Queen , Queen, Ace. I had to really work to keep my poker face on as the hand proceeded. I had about $800 in front of me at the time.
The button was one seat to my left so I always had the last bet. The big blind made a pot size bet and that took out two players with their folding leaving me and four others having called the bet.
The next card was a meaningless low card and the big blind bet the pot which I promptly raised when the bet got to me with pot limit bet. Two others folded. Another meaningless card and the big blind bet the pot, the others ahead of me folded and I bet the pot again. The long and short was I ended up all in by the time it was said and done.
The big blind was sure he had won, he had pocket aces and was sporting a full boat of Aces over queens and he told me to "read 'em and weep" as he laid over that pocket pair.
As he reached for the pot I told him. "Not so fast partner, the last time I checked, four queens beats that boat of yours all the way to hell and back." as I flip my queens on to the table.
The guy about crapped himself in disbelieve but there was no mistaking he had just been "bitch slapped" as I call it. That pot size was right around $1700 and that was the single largest cash hand I have ever won. I don't play much live poker any more but that was definitely my finest moment in live play.
No question that you can cut a friends heart out as Shortie did that to me with her four eights in one of our family games we play. She said she was sorry as she was twisting that knife though.

This was a 'cards declare themselves' game, and I played in it every week for at least 10 years. Texas hold 'em hadn't made it to eastern Washington yet then so we almost always played draw or 7 stud. There was some lowball played at that table too.

Speaking of house rules I got thumped in a lowball game one time (different table, different town) with a bicycle. That was a 6-4 lowest hand. It was an expensive lesson, but I haven't ever made that error again.

That's such a good feeling, isn't it? The bitch slap?

It is a good feeling when you are delivering it, that is for sure, not so much though on the receiving end.
I don't play those low ball, games and such in fact I have my filters set on the poker sites I play to only display the Texas Hold Em games, not even interested in playing just the standard games anymore. I am a one man band now when it comes to poker.

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 302 (11/04/18)

I hope you get some good work for next week, and I will go out your post from yesterday now and show some support

Thanks Jay, very much appreciated.

most welcome my friend

Don't play cards anymore

Okay, I got you now. You are a man of few words in your replies and so I haven't figured them out just yet. Thanks.

We are SO proud to have you as a member of our
FANTABULOUS @steemitbloggers family!
uvoted and resteemed!

❤ MWAH!!! ❤

interested in joining the Steemit Bloggers Community?

Thanks for sharing this information about Ceci @sultnpapper. You are a good man! Blessings to you and you family

Stopping by to show some support, you are a kind person and I have great respect. 😊

Thank you, I appreciate both the support and the kind words.

It seems you have a lot on your plate. Hope you have a good weekend and a good week ahead!

Thank you, I had to trade the dinner plate in for a serving platter, it just wouldn't hold it all any longer. Thanks for the good wishes.

Hahaha... Good luck on that than sir @sultnpapper!

Thanks @sultnpapper! You have a very authentic voice here and I've come to really enjoy reading your work. Keep on keepin' on! BTW--the books finally arrived. I'll have your autographed copy into the mail early next week. I'm thinking of running a contest on Steemit for the remaining four copies.

Great Eric I look forward to receiving and reading it for sure. Thanks for the kind words and support, I plan on keeping on as you say. Contests are always fun for the winners and I find them fun when I put them on too, so I imagine others who host contests enjoy it as well. I am sure you will come up with a good contest and it will be well supported.

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