Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/17/18> “Congratulations on finding us, most people can’t.” … You don’t say.

in #dailydose6 years ago

A visit to my state representative's office...

I took a little time out of my day on Thursday to go by the local office of the State Representative for the district that I reside within. This particular office holder is not one that I have visited in the past but since what I wanted to discuss is taking place right here in her back yard, as well as mine, I thought that her office would be the place to start.

I'll just follow the sign...

I have always seen signs along the one road I travel quite frequently that has her name and district number and the word “Offices” with an arrow that points down a side road going east. So I figured it wouldn’t be much trouble to just turn down that road and I should find her office with no problem. Signs like that are usually placed within a couple blocks of the offices so I turned and paid close attention to the buildings, but I saw nothing that even resembled an office building or office for that matter. The whole stretch of roads was nothing but apartment buildings and a couple strip centers shopping places.

It can't be across the tracks...

Having been familiar with the road I knew that if I crossed the railroad tracks that I would be in a residential subdivision so when I got to the tracks I made a U turn and headed back. Surely I must have missed it, and it must be in one of those strip centers. I drove through both of those and didn’t see anything either, so time to get an address and see just where this office is.

This isn't working, look up the address...

I looked up the address and then headed back down the road toward the tracks; the numbers were getting close but not close enough that I would find it before the tracks. So I went on down and kept looking and watching as I entered the subdivision. I wasn’t a block into the subdivision and according to the street signs I was already past it; as the block numbers are on the street signs. So I turned around again and headed back towards the tracks, the address was an even number so it would be on the opposite side of the road from me now as I was travelling.

U turn and u turn some more...

So another U turn at the tracks and headed back again. There was a building for the volunteer fire dept that was within -10 numbers of the building I was looking for so I knew I was close. The next building was within -4 numbers of the address I needed but it was the local precinct constable’s office annex and it was too small to hold anything other than the constable.

Even more u turns...

Just past that was the tennis courts and small park for the subdivision and the small building there had a sign on it that said “Tennis Pro Shop” so needless to say that wasn’t it either. The next structure was a house and now I was 4 numbers higher than the address I was looking for, another U turn, and back to the tracks, another U turn and this time I pulled into the drive that was for the tennis courts and pro shop. There was parking for six cars but only one spot was taken so I parked and walked to the front of the building.

Of course it is locked...

All four windows on the front of the building had the shades pulled down and so I couldn’t see anything inside, there was also no door on the front of the building so that was strange too. So I walked around to the far side and there was a set of outside steps that led up to the second floor, the sign for the tennis pro shop indicated that it was located upstairs. There was a plain white door with no signs indicating what was on the first floor and so I tried the door and it was locked.

Knock, knock...

No door bell of course, so I wrapped my knuckles on the door pretty hard and no response from inside. So I wrapped on it again and about ten seconds later the door opened and a young man that I would guess was probably in his mid twenties asked me what I wanted. He looked like he had just woken up; I told him I was looking for the State Rep’s local office.

Most people can't...

He broke into a little smile and said, “Congratulations on finding us, most people can’t.” and then he stepped back and welcomed me inside. No kidding most people couldn’t find them, it was like they are hiding intentionally, how about maybe a sign on the building or even some big numbers on the front of the building at least showing the address.

My concerns...

This young fella told me that the Representative was out of the office today but he would be more than happy to assist me and asked what he could do. I mentioned that I had some concern about some things taking place around our area that involved air quality issues. He seemed interested and asked me just what type of air quality issues I was speaking about, because he said that he was aware that some people still do burn trash even though they aren’t supposed too.

Do I look like Alex Jones...

I told him that trash burning is the least of my concerns unless there is a burn ban and then I do take notice of that, my problem is with the airplanes and the chem trails. He got this little puzzled look on his face and then asked, “You mean chem trails like that idiot Alex Jones is always talking about?” I was pretty sure at this point that I was headed into oncoming traffic but what the hell, so I ask him.”What exactly do you know about chem trails that can you tell me?”

That's right, nothing...

He paused for a moment and then said he really didn’t know anything about chem trails other than he has heard Alex Jones mentions them and that all he does is drum up conspiracy theories.

Well young man, Alex may go overboard quite a bit, but it doesn’t necessarily mean what he is talking about is not without some merit, so while you may not like his delivery style or his mannerisms and such, put that aside and actually at least listen to the substance before you dismiss what he is saying.

Neither do I...

“So you don’t care much for Alex Jones, neither do I.”,I told him. “I really can’t stand to listen to him, but on certain things he is right.” I told this fella. “So while you may not have any reason to believe him; you do work for the lady that represents me and I would like some answers on just what is going on here in the skies over our area with these big jets trailing miles and miles of clouds of some type of vapor behind them. I want to know these things.
1.) Who is doing it.
2.) Why they are doing it.
3.) Who is paying for it to be done.
4.) Who authorized it to be done.
5.) What is being released into the air and at what rates.
6.) Who owns the planes and where are they taking off from and landing at.

Don't stop there...

I also told him that by the time he has those answers for me that I will probably have some additional questions .so gather as much information as you can. He said that he would have to get all of that in writing from me and asked that I send him an email so he could forward it on to the Rep and her chief of staff, no problem buddy, I will give you that email.

Always remind them...

I also reminded him that the Rep he works for is up for re-election in November so don’t waste any time in checking this out for me or he might just be looking for a new job come January. I vote early, and if necessary, I might just vote often too. He looked puzzled as hell when I said that.

So that email is being sent as soon as I complete this daily dose. Then I will mark the calendar for every fifteen days and continue to hound them unless I hear from them in between with some real information. So, we’ll see where this leads as time goes on.

Shortie says "Thanks...

Thanks to all of you for the birthday wishes for Shortie, she appreciated them very much. She spent most of the afternoon at the local trampoline park with one of her closest friends and then they went to eat and out again for ice cream. She rated her birthday a “ten”, and then she changed it to “slightly higher than a 10, more like an 11.” , since she turned eleven on Thursday. She is a witty little thing for sure.

Mexican it is...

Shortie’s birthday supper was at one of the family’s favorite Mexican restaurants and I was glad she chose that place. The place is co-owned by three fellows, one of those I have known for 24 years, we met when he was just starting out in the restaurant business as a bus boy and then waiter at a place called Cinco De Mayo. It was my favorite place for several years until one Sunday afternoon the place caught fire and burned to the ground about 15 years ago.

Just like family...

It was really good since Javier, one of the owners, was at the restaurant on Thursday evening; he even pulled up a chair and sat at the table and visited with the family, he is almost like family. He has been with me since before the Mrs. and I got married and we actually had our rehearsal dinner at Cinco De Mayo.

"Smokin' hot" could mean...

He has been around for the birth of all our kids and has watched them grow over the years, this evening even his oldest daughter was working the cash register at the restaurant. She and our oldest boy had that little eye contact and smiles thing going on back and forth; “smoking hot” is how the oldest boy describes her. I told him that he should just have her Dad introduce her to him but he passed on that idea. I told him that it could be free fajitas and chili con queso for life if he played his cards right. My guess is that he will be going back there more often now, without the family.

August is half gone...

Hard to believe that this month is half over all ready and I am also less than thirty days from my one year mark here on steemit.com . I have been kicking around some ideas on just what I want that one year daily dose to be about and I have still not decided yet about it. My first post here was on 09/12/17 in case anyone was wondering.

Don’t forget that tomorrow is SBI Saturday and so be sure to stop by and see just who got lucky this week.

Until next time,


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BRAVO for finding the representative's office. Wish they had told you why there were hiding... 😉

I left slightly-belated birthday greetings for Shortie on your other post 💜

I did not ask why they are hiding but my guess is so that people like me won't find them. Now that I know where her office is they will be seeing quite a bit more of me on this subject. at least for the next few months.

Well that's determination mr Papper, good on you! Many of these politicians are only there when the show's on, but you know that very well!
Your Shortie really has a good sense of humour, so glad she scored her birthday an 11 :)
Have a great Friday!

You have a great Friday as well , The last thing they want is people coming to see them and expecting them to do something for them. Well that is there job, so I do expect them to do it, she is representing me and the other people that live here. if the others won't demand answers well that isn't going to stop me from doing it.
She does have a good sense of humor, I think she got that from me.

OMG! Good for you for tracking that office down. That's crazy. I hope they get back to you with the info you want, though it sounds like that will take some hounding. I'm glad Shorties birthday went well. Please pass on a Happy Birthday wish to her for me.

I will pass that wish on as well, we were all so stuffed from the dinner that we held off even cutting her cake yesterday at her request. So it will be like having another birthday today for her.
I am sure they will have to do some detective work and I am also pretty sure that the hound dog in me will be called upon to keep on them, but one thing I have in my favor, and they know it, is that I know where their office is, and they know it too.

So. Happy Birthday to Shortie a day late.

I had to look for your column yesterday (the tardiness was so out of character that I was initially concerned) and it took a while to find it (like when I don't put my glasses in the right spot). I bookmarked it and never went back. Urrgghh.

I can't believe the struggles with finding that public office. That really concerns me, actually. I mean if you are an elected official and have done enough unpopular things that you need to hide your office? Cause for concern to me.

I understand about pissing people off. I took a job managing a club that was owned and operated by a non-profit. I told the board when they hired me that I couldn't imagine my working there over 5 years. I explained that if I was doing my job properly I'd piss off about 10% of the membership every year and when I got under 50% I was gone.

I actually made it two years. But I always had my office open, and I spent a lot of time in the public part of the place so you could always find me to chew my butt or bellyache about what ever.

Some of the protocols that I installed 20 plus years ago are still in place. It's why they hired me, to do what needed doing and take the heat for it.

Which is kinda what a representative is supposed to do. It's really not how it works, but it's supposed to.

And a great 'family restaurant' story. I just love that sort of long term respect and caring.

Sorry I was an absentee yesterday. No excuse. Just stop by my office, it's over there by the shuffleboard courts someplace.

There are some days I literally just cannot keep my eyes open long enough to get the daily dose done. Just so much going on right now.
You must have done a really good job to have only lasted the two years, and I mean that in all sincerity. Some jobs are only meant to be temporary and you recognized that. Politicians jobs were also meant to be temporary but we fail on our part to keep them that way.
In that some of the things you implemented over twenty years ago are still in place is proof that you knew what needed done and got it done for the good of the organization rather than doing what you would have needed to do to make the place a career position.
I have always liked small family run business, it is where I spend first and the reason is the people.

That sounds like a pretty awesome birthday for Shortie to rate an 11! Mexican food is one of my favourites too and added bonus it is run by a family! I think politicians like to hide out in the most obscure locations, just so you can't find them. They wouldn't want to work too hard now, for all their perks, would they? Vey rarely in all my years have I gotten any satisfaction out of the mouths of ploiticians.

Politicians seem like they always want to be in front of a TV camera but never want to be in a position where they are open to questioning by the public.
You would think that there would at least be a sign on the building or at the door , even the front window. They never seem to have a problem using campaign signs, they plaster those up all over the area during election time.
The greeting the man gave with "Congratulations..." tells me that this lady really doesn't want visitors. I would also suspect that had I called her office number it would have gone straight to voicemail or some automated selection system of press one for.... that is why I didn't even bother to call. I like to be the unexpected.

Best way to catch a politician is off guard!

So true on that remark. Off guard or with a wad of cash, which seems to work well for the lobbyists.

Good going there @sultnpapper! I guess they bet/planned on most people giving up on finding the office. I hope you get some answers that aren't lies and denial. We get chemtrails pretty bad and regularly here in MD. I made a video of chemtrails over my house. Let me know if you would like to see it? It is under four minutes. I don't like to just drop a link without permission or I can send through discord.
A little late but Happy Birthday to Shortie!! 🎉

Please throw that link on here @deerjay , there maybe some folks that don't know what a chem trail looks like.
I also appreciate you asking, that is a sign of class in my opinion. So often I see people just dropping links every chance they can get and never once even thinking to ask the person.
I will tell your happy Bitrthday wish to Shortie as well.

Okay and thank you for the compliment! It plays best on this link.

I wanted to add that we have a couple of airports nearby but these aren't the paths their planes take. Chemtrails can also turn a pretty blue sky white when they spread out.

That is a really good example of chem trails for sure, and a nice choice of music too I might say.
This stuff is real and people need to wake up for sure.
Thanks for sharing this @deerjay .

You're very welcome and thank you too!! It is absolutely real and I love that you are bringing more awareness about it. Hope you get some real answers from you rep!!

Good for you, not just writing about chemtrails, but actually doing something about it. I'll be interested to hear if you get a response.
And I'm glad that Shortie enjoyed her birthday. I used to be massively into trampolining when I was her age, though we didn't have trampoline parks then. I actually went to a trampoline class when I lived in London - I was in my 20s then.
I'll get round to going to a trampoline park one of these days.

Shortie paid for that trampolining session for a couple days after that, she was real sore, but she had plenty of fun while it lasted.
We will see what the Rep's office does, if anything, but I am going to stay on them to get me answers and I also think I will hit up the congressman and senator for my area and have them piss me off, I already know they won't do anything to try and get answers.

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