Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/05/18 > A day late but not a dollar short…SBI weekly give away.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

Yes it is Sunday...

It seems that I let the time get away this past week in writing the daily dose and when it got to Saturday’s edition I still had some unfinished business that I needed to wrap up. Normally I don’t do posts that span multiple days and multiple editions of the daily dose, that has never been my “style” if I have any style at all, but there are some things that just can’t be covered in one daily dose so I have to do it every now and then.

A lie is a lie...

That unfinished business was informing my readers of some rampant and persistent fraud that takes place in our lives every day and goes unnoticed and is generally accepted as being normal. To briefly sum up those three daily doses in case you didn’t read them, I’ll do it for you right here and now in one sentence. “No matter how many times a lie is told, it is still a lie and it makes no difference how many people believe it to be true, a lie is a lie.”

Now those of you who did read those three editions, my apologies for stringing you along but giving examples of the lies and fraud surely added some reinforcing to the message or at least I hope it did.

An accomplishment ...

So we do have some SBI to give away today, and I will do my best to keep the day consistent and hone in on Saturdays’. But first I need to share an accomplishment that I did this week. Normally I try not to spotlight things about myself and so I do this with some reservation. Mainly because for most folks this isn’t any accomplishment at all, but to me with my limited technological skills it really is. I participated in my first PYPT on Thursday evening hosted by @shadowspub , but not without some complications I might add.

Testing, testing, 123...

I got the necessary combo headphones with the microphone and earlier in the afternoon I even went over and listened in to a program on the Steemit Ramble channel so that I could figure out just what I needed to do in order to make it where I could talk. So after that show was over and some people were just hanging out in the voice chat I decided to type a message and see if I could jump in and test the mic, they acknowledged my message and said jump on in, so I did and everything worked perfectly.

Ready to pimp...

Later that evening when the evening session was taking place I went back there and used the little icon to let the participant organizer , @thekittygirl, know that I was planning on sharing a post, something I had never done before. So when it came to being my turn I was ready. I knew I had this figured out and I knew my stuff worked. So when prompted I popped my post into the chat, pressed the “push to talk” key that I had set up thanks to the wonderful tutorial that @ethandsmith had composed, and not a damn syllable came across the air waves, nothing but dead silence.

Guzbucked from the get go...

I knew I was a rookie, but I also knew that my microphone was un-muted and everything appeared to be in order so there shouldn’t be a damn reason these folks couldn’t hear what I had to say. But no matter how hard I pushed the damn button not any sound was coming from my end out to those listening. I finally had to just type a message to go on and skip me.

Any port in a storm...

I was finally able to figure out what the problem was; the USB port I had the head set and microphone plugged into is a little loose for lack of a better description. The plug in portion of the headset seemed not to be making a good connection, and so while I could hear everything perfectly evidently the part that connects the microphone to the computer wasn’t making contact, so I was a train wreck at my first attempt. Thank goodness the computers have more than one USB port.

Mind if I cut in...

A little later I was able to find a spot where some else was having some technical issues as well and I popped the push to talk key to see if I could get a check on if it was working, and it was. So it was but a few moments later I became a real first time pimp, another accomplishment for me on the block chain and steemit.

I will admit I was a little nervous, I am not real big on talking my stuff or myself up but I did it because I feel that it makes for closer connections when you can associate a voice to name. So when time allows I plan on being in on more of these type programs and look forward to the day I can get on with the folks over at @thesteemengine for the Talk of the Line program that they hold on Tuesday afternoons.

All right, SBI time...

Now let’s get down to some business that should have taken place yesterday and that is giving away some SBI or as properly named, Steem Basic Income. Oh, wait just a minute, there is one more little @sultnpapper update and it ties in here with the SBI so I need to mention it first.

I hadn’t mentioned that the @spl poker site has started back up with their 8 week series of Tournaments in which team play is involved. It kicked off Friday night and will run for the next seven consecutive Friday nights and the $20 SBD prize money for each tournament is graciously provided by the good folks over at the @curie account.

The Poker Rebels...

I think this Team Up session is the third one since I joined the league hosted by @lucksacks.com , I hadn’t been a member of a team in the prior two team up sessions but that has all changed now and I am competing in this session on a team called “The Poker Rebels” , imagine that , me being on a team that is obviously rebellious.

Thank you Mam...

Each team can consist of any number of players up to four, four is the maximum. The team I am on was thrown together at the last moment with the help of the young woman over at the league, @bethalea , so a big “THANK YOU, Mam.” for seeing an opportunity and helping make it happen.

Points are awarded based on where you place in the weekly tournaments and the team at the end of the eight weeks with the most points wins the season championship. There is some prize money involved for the team placings but I don't have a clue on what those prizes might be.

Round one in the books...

So after round one of this eight round battle The Poker Rebels are respectably in third place out of the ten teams that are entered. Not a bad start to the season and we managed to get there even being short one of our players for this tournament. Speaking of the Rebels players, let me tell you just who all I am team mates with.

Meet The Poker Rebels...

@gamesandcrypto , @sevendst19 and @jpederson96 are the folks that I am teamed up with for this season. Normally I would tell you a little bit about each one of these folks and how I came about meeting them and all that good stuff but the truth is, I know very little about them other than they like playing poker just like I do.

I can’t even say that I have ever even looked at their blogs to be completely honest. The most interaction I have had with any of them since I have met them was basically a few little standard poker comments in the chat box like NH (nice hand) when their hand kicked my ass in a game. I’m not really a chatty poker player, and a lot of the game I won’t even look at the chat box. I have found that it can be distracting and get you off your concentration level.

Team player and then some...

So being the team player I am, I am giving each of my team mate’s one shares of SBI and I am also giving a share of SBI to @bethalea for being the kind of person she is in helping others. So this week I have went one share further in the SBI give away then normal and I will attribute that to being a day late, even though the real reason is already stated.

We will need some...

Wish us luck for the remainder of the season if you would; I’d rather have luck than skill, since skill will only take you so far.

Until next time,


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Well done mr Papper, I'm terrified of trying to get onto PYPT; i love writing, loooove talking, but not into a mic, so have not bought a headset with one yet! Whenever I see @ethandsmith reminding the passengers to get onto the steemengine, i do a quick getaway, coward that i am :):) Maybe one day....

I don't have a phobia with mics or anything like that. I like to be able to make eye contact when communicating verbally. Reading body language and eye contact is an important part of the communication process in verbal communication and it allows me to know if I have the people I am speaking to locked in to what I am saying or not. I don't believe I would ever be able to make it as a show host or an actor for films since there is that missing element.
You can do it, and I hope you do, it will be practice for selling that cook book and your world wide book selling tour.

Hahaha, but I'd rather just do the cooking!

Sorry I missed the first tourney

Not a problem JP, as a team we held our own and started the season well. There is plenty of poker left in the season. Thanks for stopping in.

Congrats to conquering the technological divide and pimping your post!

Thanks it may not seem like much to many, but I am not a computer person so it really was for me an achievement.

Hey it took me nearly a year to do it! Also, there is so much stuff in the realm of 'computer people' and so I am always struggling to learn one new thing or another. That is seriously what I love about steem though, it is constantly pulling me forward, to learn more and do more, to progress, to change, to try new things, to do more.

Blessings to you on your journey!

Thanks man, I seem to be moving forward on this journey too at a slow pace.

Slow but steady, thats what they taught me as a boy. Probably because I was running around in circles, but I still think there is wisdom in that!

I am glad you got your mic problems sorted-out that day! It was so good to have you participate in the voice-portion of PYPT! 😊 Actually, though, @shadowspub (the creator and hostess of that curation event) is the one who watches for icons and adds folks to her queue. I am only there in a support capacity, to moderate the chat and help when needed. I do hope you will be back frequently, as your work schedule allows! 😀

It was aggravating since I had just tested out everything less than a few hours earlier. I thought that you watched the icons but I stand corrected and I hope to be back in the future, at least the evening shows. Thanks for all you do, behind the scenes work is very important and often goes unnoticed by most people but keeping the chat under control is important to the show as well.

To be honest, I do watch the icons, but just to help the hostess catch any that she missed. It's a team effort! Yeah, if people were sitting beside me watching all the things I do during those shows, they would likely be amazed... LOL! 😁

I figured as much, and I am always surprised how quickly you have things to put up in chat that are topic correct as quickly as the topics change, I'm like, "damn she is good".

You know, some times you just can't get a subject even remotely covered in one post. If you make the thing long enough to do so most people will just give up somewhere along the line. TLDR isn't used much nowadays, but I think it still applies. Too Long Didn't Read. Used to be an email acronym.

I like your SBI initiative, and really like that you 'look out for folks'. It says a whole lot about the man behind the microphone as it were..

Thanks for all you do.

Thanks Tom. I try to keep in mind the target audience for these daily doses haven't even been born yet and who knows by the time they are if reading will even take place in the future so I try not to string things out to far in one dose. The ADD ans ADDH and the like may very well be the norm in the future since all this smart phone and smart computer has so much stuff popping up in peoples screens and faces like almost every minute or two, how could a person think and concentrate. Attention Deficit Disorder is definitely a man made caused condition if there ever was one in my opinion.
The SBI thing is fun and I do try to look out for others, I think the more you do that for others the more they will do that for you as well. I think the term is Karma, or that is what it used to be.
I appreciate you coming by this morning, I'd offer you a cup of coffee but it hasn't finished making yet. So when it is done I will drink one for you as well.

Congratulations on becoming a pimp and losing your PYPT virginity!


Thanks, I hope it was as good for them as it was for me.

I am glad that you figured out the technical issue and were able to pimp your post. I still have technical issues when I try to use my laptop so I simply use a tablet for the radio shows. Good luck in the new poker season! Sounds like you are doing reasonably well so far...

Thanks Cici. The only reason I even suspected the USB was that I noticed when I moved the adapter while I had the headphones on a heard a little change in the quality of the sound and felt the looseness. So when I change the USB ports that went away, all in all a good experience.
As for the poker, that was good too. Being among the top three teams at the end of the first session is reasonably well for sure and I think if we can maintain that level of play or better consistently over the course of the remaining weeks the Rebels will be in contention for some prize money at the end. I do appreciate the good luck wishes.

Great to have you on PYPT @sultnpapper ... glitches often happen even with the experienced presenters. You did great and will be looking forward to seeing you as often as you can.

Thank you, really appreciated the opportunity. I also look forward to more in the future.

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