Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 10/28/18> Something to keep in mind before you leave…

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

Most of you...

Most of you who read the Daily Dose are what I consider “diehards” on this steem block chain and so I don’t expect that you will just up and call it quits.

In the off chance that you do make that decision I hope that you will at least take into consideration those of us who are planning on being around on here after you leave.

What I mean...

What I mean by that is, just don’t up and leave without at least cashing out your wallet, or if you aren’t going to do that, then at least delegate to someone or so group to use your SBD. With delegating your SBD to someone (me) or some group you still own it but in your absence at least it can be utilized.

I was going through...

I was going through discord the other day and looking at the list of folks who have seemed to disappear from here and I private messaged a couple of them. I told them if they ever drop back in to hit me up and let me know they are around again. I did hear back from one of them on Saturday.

Like a lot of people...

This fellow is like a lot of people who came here, he was real ambitious at the get go and he really is a pretty talented writer and story teller. He lasted around two, maybe three months at the most, and he was taking what he was earning and buying votes to boost his account. I don’t know that scenario really works or not but he did earn at least one Curie upvote and I think possibly two. The long story short is that he has about $95 SBD sitting in his wallet doing nothing, just sitting there.

I started to ask him...

I started to ask him about delegating it to me or at least to a group like @curie so that it can at least benefit some people. A good amount of that SBD I imagine came from those Curie upVotes so it would make sense to at least delegate it to them. But I didn't ask, he is dealing with his uncle just dying this week, so I let it go by and offered my condolences.

So what I am...

So what I am trying to get across here is that when or if you decide to walk away from here and you aren’t going to take it with you at least take the time to delegate your funds so that it can help those of us who are staying.

It will still belong...

It will still belong to you, if and when you decide to come back just cancel the delegation and have it returned to your wallet. I am told it is as simple as that, am I wrong on that? Is there more to it than that?

The only thing...

The only thing right now on here more depressing than the price of steem is looking at abandoned accounts and seeing how all the funds add up. I would guess that someone has a program that they could run and get the exact totals of funds in accounts that have been inactive for 60 days or more. I would sure be curious to know just how much steem and SBD those numbers would add up too.

I can assure you...

I can assure you that if the situation arises and I decide to step away from here for any period of time that I will be delegating what I have to the groups I am most active with because without those folks I would probably have been gone by now. I hope you will keep this in your mind as well.

Not sure what week...

Not sure what week Blondie and I are in now; but we are still attending church via the television. I will be going up to the church though this afternoon, it is Trunk or Treat this afternoon and I got roped into helping the wife pass out candy. The church says they expect between 800 to 1,000 kids to come through the parking lot trick or treating.
That should be a real zoo this afternoon.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


It is such a waste to just let it sit idle there. I've told my son who introduced me to Steemit where my password is so he can make use of his crypto inheritance at least!
I've had my nose into tax matters this week, just hate that part of this little business as I'm not good at keeping records of the day to day purchases, will have to get my act together for next year!
But I've been cooking and snapping so have to get out three food posts, leaving for a short breakaway tomorrow to the Drakensberg, can't wait for that, but I'm here to stay so Steemit will travel with me!

Try taking pictures of the receipts with your phone and then you can transfer them to a folder for safe keeping. If you do it right at the point of purchasing it you will find out it really makes it simple. I was the worst when it came to expense account receipts but when I started doing that I never missed getting reimbursed as I always had a copy to fall back on.
Enjoy the trip, and be careful.

Well that is a useful tip as so many of the receipts fade as well so it's quite a nightmare and I'm sure I've mislaid some as well, thank you Mr Papper!

You are most welcome Lizelle.

YEs it is a shame there is a lot of Steempower sitting and doing nothing with accounts that have been abandoned, would be good if people would make use of it by Delegating to someone or a group as you say

It really is a shame and that is why I mentioned it. This way at least some people will be thinking about it and possibly even pick up on it and discuss on their blogs as well. It is almost something that needs to be explained to the newbies as well when the first show up here, since the odds are very low that they will be here very long.

Yes very true and its great that you gave this issue some visibility

Throws his hat in the door first to see if anybody shoots at it

I didn't leave, just had some pressing stuff that really threw me out of sync with my normal world. I got some stuff read, at least, but not much commenting.

But I should be back at full tilt tomorrow.

The abandoned accounts are a real problem around here. The number of 'starter accounts' that have 15 SP delegated to them is a real drag on the company books. There is no provision for 'take back' except for cause, so they just sit. The witnesses are well aware of the problem, and will figure out a way to deal with it.

Maybe in a corollary with the voting problem. Did you know that there are several large whale accounts that haven't logged in for over a year? That's not a huge problem (it's their money) but for the fact that their votes for witnesses go on and on. It doesn't seem right that they should not be even slightly involved in the platform but still electing witnesses. One account has all of the top 20 voted for. It's a monstrous account.

You are correct. Delegation is quick and easy going both ways. It doesn't make much sense, does it?

Still standing in full solidarity with you and Blondie. Sounds like a pretty good detail for this afternoon. We have several churches that do the same thing, I haven't had a trick or treater in several years. Of course I live on a really dark dead end street....

Yes, the part about delegated money to new accounts should have something in there that after six months of inactivity it should be un-delegated and taken back. Even if it was just one post that a person had to make it would at least be an indicator that they hadn't totally forgotten about this place and could keep it but I am sure there are several that were here one day and literally gone the next.
I found one of those as I was going through my dead accounts, @loz has twenty five followers and made one post... she is also following one person--- me. So at least I made some impression on her, enough to drive her away I guess.
The whales have skin in the game so I have no problem with them voting witnesses even if the aren't doing anything else, witnesses are a big part of the equation so I couldn't see not allowing someone to vote that has a stake here regardless of how active or inactive they are.
How is the bad eye doing?

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 295 (10/28/18)

Great post and good advice - folk should not give up.

People have all sorts of reasons for leaving so I am not saying that they shouldn't give up but what I am saying is at least take the time to delegate out your earnings so those can be used to foster growth of those who are still here.
I get that things happen and people sometimes have to leave but it only takes a few minutes to do it and most people I would think have a few minutes to spare when hitting the exits here but the thought just doesn't cross their mind or they hadn't learned about delegating.
Glad you liked the post and think it is good advice.

I've been away for a few months. There were other things that needed my attention more, like promoting my books on platforms that get more views for me.

Anyway... I left some curation on autopilot, so I have still had activity on my account, just no contributions of content until yesterday.

I didn't intend to abandon the account and here I am back again. I've posted twice and had 1 upvote. Guess I will need to start over. Disheartening, but I'm glad to see you are still here.

Well good to see you again as well. Welcome back. Next time you leave,, put me on your auto-vote trail if you would, just kidding. I am glad that you did that though, so many just leave and don't even think about it.

I also hope those with tidy sums in their wallets will make provisions for those earnings to be delegated or cashed-out by others in the event of their death.

I imagine that those whales have some folks aware and waiting in case they fall over dead. But I believe there is probably a whales worth or more combined in all the little accounts that have booked on out of here. That could really help some folks out.

I'm nowhere near a whale or even a dolphin, but I don't want my mere 800-something SP to languish when others could use it. So, I made arrangements months ago for it to be delegated when I am gone.

That is great, I just hope it is a long time before that happens.

love your work and great massage. God bless you and give us good contain. ❤

Thanks for your support, very much appreciated.

You make some very good points here. As soon as I realized I didn't have the time for Steemit I went and upped my weighted vote for the trails I follow because I wanted to keep my account but I knew I had little time to make any votes. My vote worth has dropped dramatically since I went on hiatus and now I'm down to 0.01 but every little bit counts, right?

I am glad I happened to catch your daily dose today my friend :) Keep up the good work

Hey there @amariespeaks good to see you. It has been a while and it is good to know that you put your account to work for the good of those that you followed on the trails.
So does this mean you are back and going to be writing again or just slipped in to visit and look around? The place hasn't became a ghost town yet, but it isn't booming by any means for sure.
You also missed the HF20 I guess too, that was a real piece of work. The common person on here was shut down for a good four or five days when they implemented that fork.
Good to see you, thanks for stopping by and letting me know you are still alive. Hope things are going your way now in the real world.

oh damn, I guess my comment never posted through - damn faulty internet connection. I wrote a pretty good reply too.. oh well!

I guess I did miss the HF20 because I am clueless as to what that is/was. LOL some kind of fork? I hope Steemit will bounce back. I remember comparing Steemit to a post-gold rush Californian ghost town in my previous comment that never cleared the interweb.. or maybe it was a Dust Bowl Kansas town I made reference too hahaha either way - I agree with you this place does seem a bit emptier.

Things in the real world are good for me, I hope they are well for you too :) I am trying to get on here at least once a weekend and check in - so I'll be sure to pop over to your page each time and see what you're up to!

Well thanks. My world is a little up in the air right now as the contract I have worked under for the last 11 years was not renewed by the manufacturer at the end of October. So I am in the process of weighing my options right now.
'The company that I worked directly for has agreed to keep me and the other guy who was also affected on the payroll through the end of the year. Right now I am doing some service work with a guy who is retiring in the middle of January and I have been offered his position so I at least have that to fall back on if need be.
I have an offer from a different company that I am inclined to take but we are still working through some things with that offer and the good part is we don't need to rush it through and make a bad deal.
So while things aren't normal by any means it could be a whole lot worse than it actually is at the moment.
Good to hear the things are good in your world.

ohh, good to hear that at least there are some options there for you - that is exciting! Wishing you the best in your pursuit of these new opportunities :)

Thanks Marie. I have some options and I things look like they will fall in place, but having the option to stay with the company takes the pressure off of having to switch jobs quickly and that truly is a blessing. Thanks for stopping by and if you get back to posting please let me know. I have been so constrained for time on here myself that I haven't even looked at my feed in weeks, it is all I can do right now to keep up with my community commitments with #thesteemengine and with #steemitbloggers , so I have surely been missing some folks that I enjoy reading.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and upcoming holidays if we don't cross paths before then.

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