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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 11/08/18> The time change got me big on Wednesday…

in #dailydose6 years ago

Howdy sir sultnpapper! I so agree with you, Texas is turning colors and the republican party better take notice. The time change sucks but I'm glad you are moving forward with your new company negotiations, is that the one based in Houston so you won't have to travel as much?


Yes, 80% of the time will be in Houston. I am sorry I have been neglecting the replies to comments, just not enough hours in the day right now. Thanks for your support.

howdy today sir sultnpapper! oh don't worry about getting every single reply like you've always done, everyone understands how much you have going on these days..I'll comment and try not to ask any questions!

It is hard to keep up right now so I'll do my best, I didn't get to bed last night until 3:30 AM as I had an emergency drawing that had to be done ASAP.
Thank God, today is a slow day at work.

wow sir sultnpapper, don't ruin your health over it, it's not worth that much. But I understand and don't blame you because I'm the same way.

Yes, we are probably cut from same mold and doing things when they need done. I got home and slept for nine hours straight, that is why I am up now at 3:30 AM answering replies. I just go and when I can't go any longer I just quit and get some shut eye. My body clock may as well have been thrown out the window right now. I almost feel like a shift worker right now at the hours I am keeping, just don't know what shift I am working.

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