The Daily Dose - Feb 26, 2018 by @chelsea88

in #dailydose7 years ago

This post is for the #dailydose initiative started by @inthenow to help spread awareness on the dangers associated with chemtrails. Please know I won't be trying to "convert" anyone to my beliefs that these chemtrails are extremely dangerous. It's up to you to decide for yourself how dangerous (or not) you think these are based off your own informed opinion. With that being said, I will share with you some recent shots of mine all taken within the couple weeks in Maryland skies.
Alright then. Hope you can appreciate where this is coming from which is a place of simply wanting to get people to wake up and pay attention to what the skies have to say. Stay #woke 😎

To learn more about #dailydose please visit @inthenow post:


Thanks for your submission @chelsea88 R&U. Have a great evening. :-)

Thanks for creating it. Have a great evening yourself!

It is sad to see it happening and so few people caring. Thank you for caring and noticing.

Thanx. Glad you could appreciate what we are doing here

The more we share, the more people will start to watch, if only to debunk us. What they see often changes their minds.

True. Waking the hell up is the hardest part for MOST people

Lol. True that.

And don't talk to me before my first cup of coffee is their stance.

Nice blue sky in first picture, don’t see many of them anymore with all the spraying going on.

Yeah I hear you

This is awesome @chelsea88! I love the first one!

It's actually not awesome . It's to raise awareness for the CHEMTRAILS they're poisoning us with

I heard about this theory, but what's the solution @chelsea88?

and the first picture is really great even with CHEMTRAILS!!! :D

You are right and there's no easy solution. Thanks by the way despite the unsavory chemtrails I'm rather v fond of those puffy clouds and beautful blue sky myself :)

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