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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/04/18 > Peanuts, peanuts, get your… baby Jade.

in #dailydose6 years ago

First off, an apology. My carefully crafted system of paying attention is buggy so I'm a little late to the party. Sigh.

I'm no fan of GMO's. As opposed to hybridized seed which has been going on since people started growing crops, and even before that. I hear people bellyachin' about seed breeding practices and get a burr under my collar.

GMOs on the other hand, are another deal entirely. Playing God with anything was never on our human agenda and has never worked out well for us. Playing God with the food chain seems incredibly stupid to me. Incredibly. Stupid.

Ag Chemicals (this might be the second rabbit hole for me this morning). Straight and simple the earth couldn't support 7 billion people if we didn't have farm chemicals. There just isn't enough usable dirt to do the deal. So chemicals are part of the equation in today's world. Like them or not, if you like eating on a regular basis they are part of it.

I'm going to defend RoundUp just a little. Not completely you understand, cause I DO think it is probably a carcinogen. When it first came out, it was a miracle. It wasn't labeled for crop usage for a number of years, and IT DID EXACTLY what it promised.

I believe the problems with RoundUp today is two fold. 1. It is now certified for direct application on edible seeds. Farmers use it to speed the ripening process on some crops so they can harvest before the weather turns foul. 2. Every dickhead with $50 in his pocket can go to a big box store and by the stuff for spraying around his yard. No education needed. Spray it around and make stuff be dead. You have to have good glasses to read the instructions, I can tell you that. When Joe Farmer goes to the ag dealer and gets RoundUp it comes with a nice big pamphlet that is incredibly detailed re: dose and use permissions. Some of them may even read it.

Well, there are at least 3 more potential rabbit holes in your post that I could happily jump down, but even I have limits. I can't believe that your buddy's grandkids don't know if they are allergic. Why not give them a very small sample and watch them carefully when you do? What happens when Johnny trades his perfect tuna sand for Bobby's Peanut Butter? If he is allergic? And puffs up like a snake bit pup in the class after lunch? Do you trust the teacher enough to save your kids life in an instant?

Arrrggghhh. That's like shitty dogs. It isn't the dogs fault at all. It's the owner.

Vaccines? Not today, I'm guessing you'll bring it up again and let me take my swings. If I start on vaccines Sam'll hate me for being late for our walk. Can't have that.

Thanks. This is what folks would call 'a pissringer' post where I grew up.


Well we surely see eye to eye on GMO's and that is a real area of concern. It is sad that here in the USA more attention is given on having to prove organic grown and GMO gets a pass on making it prominent on labeling of packages.
I think that Round Up to be used an initially intend for of total vegetation kill has its place and true that anyone can use or buy it. I do have a problem with the use of it on crops to speed up the harvest process, which is done quite frequently, those chemicals have to have a residual that stays in the plants.
As far as Vic's grand kids, I totally agree, before those kids get to school they need to know what if any foods they are allergic too. I just can't hardly believe the fear , I think it maybe more with wife since I know Vic's son pretty well and it doesn't sound like it is his thinking.
Snake bit pups are an awful sight, nice picture you painted there Tom.
I will surely bring vaccines up again, the Wednesday edition will have those again so no need to worry about being pressed for time today.
Thanks for weighing in, I enjoy every comment you make.
Pissringer , eh, nice one.

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