Daily Art Quote #1 - (Inspired by "Artist" Bear)

in #dailyartquote8 years ago

So, you may be aware that I’ve been working on a bear sculpture lately.  

(see my last post about it here) 

I’m actually working at a place called the “Bear Hotel.” It is not really a hotel, but there are bears there. It is a warehouse owned by Evergreen Federal Bank – where they store their bear sculptures when they aren’t on display around town during the summer.  And, there are other exhibits at the “Bear Hotel” too.  Mainly scenes that are part of what they call the “Southern Oregon Adventure."  

(You can see my art area with my bear sculpture I've been working on - at the far right)

I’ve been working on my bear sculpture for a little over 3 weeks now. (Or is it 4 weeks? – I’m losing track.) And, it has been fairly quiet. Usually there is an occasional group of people there for a tour, but lately not too many tours. So, it has pretty much been me, and a bunch of bears.  I have gotten to know these bears pretty well, now – as I have walked around studying them as I mix my putty (clay). The putty has to be mixed well so that the chemical reaction will occur – so lots of kneading the putty while I walk around looking at the bears.  

There’s one in particular that I keep coming back to – because it is covered with art quotes (mostly by famous artists). It is fun to read them.  Some of the quotes are new to me, some I have seen/read before.  Inspired by this "Artist" bear, I thought it would be fun to post a daily art quote on Steemit.  I think I could go at least a month with art quotes – maybe longer.  I will post the art quotes which are painted on this bear sculpture, as well as other art quotes I know, or find.  

This Bear Sculpture was actually created by the same artist, Del, who carved the bear I am currently working on.  Del and his wife were the artists who created (sculpted & painted) this "Artist" bear sculpture. It is one of two bears, which are a pair (they go together). The artist, and the little cub in the painting. The cub is actually another bear sculpture.  

Here they are together: 

Here is my daughter and her friend posing with the bears last summer: 

Today’s Daily Art Quote:

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

~Pablo Picasso


That would be a whole lot of fun, hanging about with all those bears. Thanks for sharing the post, and your bear creation.

Excellent work congratulations dear friend @ pyrowngs thank you very much for sharing

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