A research report for the public: The mystery of the "self propelled wanderers" and the spreading infection.

in #cycling4steemit6 years ago

These creatures are seen travelling all around the globe. For many they are impressive to witness because they go greater distances than you could ever imagine and that few believes to be possible. Yet in recent years we have seen people getting infected(inspired) by their "unconventional behaviour". It is our hope by making this research report public we can show you why you should not try to mimic their behaviour and stay safe within your walls of comfort.


Who are they and how do you identify them?

Sometimes you can wonder how they actually look, but usually there are certain characteristics about them that they even use them self to identify each other. You see, while they often travel alone or in small packs, they love to be social with others. In general they love the be social with any creatures on the planet. Their low level of grooming usually results from not taking a shower for days despite their abnormal physical activities. While they for some unknown reason don't mind it them self, it can often be what we call "utterly disgusting" to us. Despite their less attractive tendencies such as their messy hair, nose pitching foot smells and awkward looking outfits they choose to wear for unknown reason to man. They are usually harmless and quite entertaining to observe.

Another way of identifying them is more often than not they will carry 2-5 large bags on their "self propelled device" and some also choose to carry what could look like a minor mountain on the rear. At times it almost looks like the sheer weight of all the things they have could break the rolling device anytime(we have no witness or reports of this event happening yet). We suspect it's because this specimen don't follow the same law of gravity as other creatures in the world do and some even believe they found a way to use what we label as dark matter to their advantage.


Research suggests the mind is where their secrets lay

The defiance of gravity we witness them do not only comes from carrying absurd amount of load. But also seeing them when they go above mountains and across continent. It is an achievement that we see few specimen on this planet have been able to do. When we observe their physical body you can wonder how they achieve this as their muscle mass on their bodies are not all that apparent and impressive. While their legs do look to have muscles to keep them rolling it's not justifying the way they can propel them self these distances.

It's almost as when you see an ant carry things 10 times bigger than them self or bumblebees flying when their weight and size shouldn't allow them to. So our question is what allows these "self propelled wanderers" to take wheels where you only would think legs or motors can go?

Many years of research have all come down to one simple detail located in the mind of the self propelled wanderers:

No one ever told them they cannot do it


Basically these wanderers are so uninformed and down right stupid that they keep doing better

Imagine if people in your life never told what your limits was and what you couldn't do and shouldn't try to do. You would probably end up like this sub-specimen. Imagine if your dad didn't tell you that becoming an astronaut would be too difficult. You would probably be sitting now spending all of your precious lifespan becoming one. Or if your mother didn't tell you the world is too dangerous.. who knows what fearful dangers you would have seen by now.

Terrible to think about, isn't it?

Yet their stupidity seems to keep them alive. This is a mystery in itself since according to our medias and governmental recommendations this should not be the case. This is also why we recommend not to get inspired by these sub-human species behaviour. While it might seem undeniably inspiring to try it yourself, it would be expected that you might end up making yourself uncomfortable or even worse that unpredictable events could happen to you in the process.

Not only do their life expectancy seem to be high, but they also seem to thrive and show signs of.. happiness?

This is beyond where our research goes. But it is observed something happens we cannot explain that otherwise would not happen to the prime human species. Despite they put them self in places we always would advice against. Despite they often seem to be in pain when we observe them trying to go above mountains or across deserts. Or in general their abnormally large load they are carrying and are as messy and dirty as our homeless people(in fact they could be categorised as homeless).

Despite all of this they show sign of happiness. We suspect this all comes down to their low level of IQ that they clearly are showing through their behaviour and actions. They might have a smile across their lips but this is only because of their lack of information of what true happiness is.

If you or someone in your family has been exposed to inspiration of these "self propelled wanderers". We urge you take imminent action and talk them out of it before they might devolve into one.


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Haha. I found this post only now. Too late for voting, but I must say I loved it.

I used to be one of them, I'm still inspired, but I'll move on to the motorized version of these specimens, with the hope of carrying even bigger loads on two wheels one day.

Keep rolling!

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