Gimme some elbow room... I need some elbow room! World Champ Sagan disqualified from Tour De France after sending Cavendish flying off his bike

in #cycling7 years ago


Thou shall not pass

So you thought cycling was a non-contact sport? Tell that to Mark Cavendish, who was elbowed off his bike by Tour De France rival and world champion Peter Sagan. Cavendish was unceremoniously dumped into the barriers as he, Sagan and other leading riders sprint for the line.

Sagan was not playing. He couldn't have planted a better elbow on his opponent if he was in The Octagon competing for UFC gold. I'm surprised that Cavendish wasn't carted off on a stretcher, however these Cyclists are made of different gravy. Cavendish got on his bike to finish the stage.


Not a fan

Unsurprisingly Sagan was disqualified from the Tour following his indiscretion. And by the sounds of it, he'll also have to face the wrath of Cavendish in the not too distant future,

“I get on with Peter well, if he came across that’s one thing but I’m not a fan of him putting his elbow in me like that. A crash is a crash but I would just like to know about the elbow. I have a good relationship with Peter but I would like to speak to him about it.”


Whenever I've watched the Tour De France in the past, I'm used to seeing cyclist riding in unison singing Kumbayah along the Champs-Élysées. No longer will I question the competitiveness of these spandex wearing bad boys!

Cry me a river

Don’t feel too sorry for Cavendish however he has proven he can deliver a mean elbow of his own. In 2013, he took out Tom Veelers in his pursuit of a Stage win.

Smh... these cyclists must have been gladiators in a former life!


What? Hockey on bikes? Nice job explaining this and showing it from some different angles. Some people are willing to do a lot to improve their chances of winning.

Looks like there was some UFC ACTION LOL

Pretty brutal, yeah my view of the tour has changed a little! I've got a friend who was competing in the tour de france this year, not sure how he did, I'll have to check it out! Love those gifs btw, have just been staring at them over and over and over.... hahaha

If they keep this up, they might have to require them to wear even more gear!

Thanks for posting and the gifs.

A couple things to think about on this stage finish. If you see the slow mo videos you will see that Cav was already falling before Sagan puts his elbow out. Cav was going on the inside trying to make a hole where there wasn't one. In fact Cav was the aggressor in that he was trying to shove Sagan over with his head as Cav has done to many other riders in the past. Sagan wasn't going to be pushed over and Cav's wheels must have started catching the curb and that's when we see Sagans elbow go out.

What Sagan was actually doing was try to stay upright himself.

Also if Sagan did do something wrong (he didn't) the normal penalty is to relegate the rider to last position on the stage. I think this is the first time they've booted a rider out of the whole race for something like this.

The penalty is too harsh and race officials should be judging consistently and fairly. This was neither.

I do hope Cav heals up quickly. Both riders are very fast and exciting to see race.

You post about a lot of different things. I've never really followed cycling, but these guys are tough. I am surprised too that that guy got up an finished the race. I guess he gets what he deserved if he did ti to someone else too. They are made of different gravy, don't let the spandex fool you. lol
Great post and thank you so much for supporting my posts. I means a lot and I appreciate you.

I have fallen off many a time, it seems that because you have so much adrenaline running through you body the initial fall usually doesn't hurt that much. The next day however, that is a different story, I'm sure Cavendish won't be able to move right now.

Sad and dishonest that such things happen in sports.

Tough situation. Competitveness sometimes brings out the bad side of people . Money. trophies, and prizes can make people do "terrible" things in their pursuit of glory, money, and fame.

damn he fell off so bad.

😂😂 I love the sarcastic writing!

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