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RE: Gender parity? Pish!

Caster is a curious creature I'll admit, with more testosterone than usual due to having internal testes, unlike any woman generally, so she is somewhat androgynous, although exernally female. She literally has both sex glands producing both hormones.
Now they want her to take testosterone-lowering drugs, which is the first time someone has been told to take drugs because of her excellence, but you can see the scientific or biological grey area, despite the humane obvious need for psychological sensitivity and respect for a female athlete.


Actually, all women produce and need testosterone - in one form or another - via the adrenal gland. As Caster's medical records have never been released, we do not know (and I don't want to know) whether she has "internal testes".

the humane obvious need for psychological sensitivity and respect for a female athlete

That is the nub of it.

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