
I know! I fell in love with the pictures alone!

I need to get my hands on a slew (or basket full) of lemons! My aunt used to make lemon curd and it was heavenly! I love the tartness!

it's like $1.30 a lemon here for organic so I am so envious of those that can grow them. Lemon curd tarts ...sigh. So good! Great curation list. You really have a talent for finding interesting posts! I am looking forward to what you find next!

Yeah.. I was just at the store and lemons were 99/cents a pound... I live in apple country not lemon country. Wish I did.

Tomorrow is recipes and food curation day. I HAVE SOME great ones already scoped out!

We are in apple country too :) There's one thing I have a lot of in the fall is apples.

I appreciate my lemon hyperabundance so much more after reading this thread! Thanks!

I am quite envious of your "lemon hyperabundance"! That lemon curd looks beautiful!

Thanks! The combination of lemon with the deep colored freerange egg yolks is magical. I am going to make a shelf stable batch so they can ship to colder climes 😁

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