January 10th -- Steemit Ramble #137 -- Curating Great Posts for You

in #curation7 years ago

Well, here I am ten days into the new year before producing a Steemit Ramble. Not a great start to my intentions to publish more frequently. The new year started off with a bit of a personal nightmare with subzero temperatures and a frozen house that the fallout from still hasn’t been completely resolved.

Intentions can be restarted and runs taken at them more than once, so, that is exactly what I’m doing. Keep doing it until it works. I have also taken a run at publishing the Coffee Time Meditation and will be sharing them in the Ramble when I publish.

Here’s to a great 2018, no matter how it started.

Coffee Time Meditation #38

Onward to today’s rambling

The Steemian Spotlight, Volume 8: Witnessing Fantastic Fiction with @GMuxx

@ethandsmith brings us another in his ongoing series The Steemian Spotlight. In this episode he shines the light on one of our newer witnesses and all round great guy, @gmuxx. @ethandsmith has done a great job of each of these interviews. Read this one and keep reading back to catch up on the rest of the series.

How to Steem

This post was nominated by @bex-dk

Speaking of @gmuxx, this is a great post from him on how to Steem on the platform. This is a great guide of what to do and some guidance on what not to do in order to grow on the platform. I’ve added it to the #success-on-the-steem-platform channel on the Steemit Ramble. It’s a post that will never go out of date.

🍩DONUTS! 🍩A recipe, pics and tons of fun!🍩

This post was nominated by @molovelly

It’s not often I select a recipe post but this one was definitely deserving. The detail is great and it’s written in a conversational style which makes it a pleasure to read even if you aren’t about to try your hand at making some donuts.

A Very Good Boy's Guide to Christmas™🐾 So You Don't Get Confused by the Big Red Man or the NoPeeTree

This post was nominated by @kubbyelizabeth

Our friend @murphydog is back to post about how his Christmas went. I know, Christmas is over but for @murphydog, I think we can stand one more post about the holidays. He’s loving being with his new hooman and enjoying all the sights and sounds of Christmas with her.

There’s more though, don’t forget to read the comments cause @sqrrlspy and @jbrrd put in their two cents worth to wind up @murphydog.

Personifying our digital self

This post was nominated by @angelveselinov

@pisolutionsmru explores our digital being and how we bring it into existence alongside our real world self. Interesting and provocative thoughts as we become more and more digital in our everyday life.

Humans are Creatures of Habit

@bitdollar discusses how our habits, what we repeat over and over again, can make or break our successes in life.

Vivir la vida / Live the life

This post was nominated by @lmir1965

@monita05 has written a compact post on the elements of life and the importance of experiencing them and enjoying them. Life is relatively short, we need to enjoy the moments while we can.


@battleaxe displays that rapier wit and insight of hers to examine the presence of women on the platform. Always makes for an interesting read.

[Project] Needlework Monday: My Longest-Ever Afghan Project

This post was nominated by @ironshield

@lturner brings a conversational style to the making of this afghan which she started in 2010 and finished seven years later. It’s been a long time since I did any crocheting. I well understand the time involved in making an afghan and how life gets in the way of projects. You can almost see @lturner chatting away about life while she was making this afghan as she puts the finishing touches on it.

A list of Non-English How-To Steem Guides[Round #7 Welcoming Contest]

The Steem platform is an international platform with people from all over the world taking part. @inquiringtimes has assembled information on the guides available in various languages to help non-English participants learn the platform. Read on into the comments as others add to the list.

Wrap-up on Day 137

I don’t know if I’m just looking in the right places or just hitting it lucky, but the quality of posts seem to be improving. I sure hope so. This post has sat in my editor for a couple of days with me distracted elsewhere. I could scrap it but decided to just publish it.

Supporting and Upvoting

Let’s not forget folks. I’m sharing these posts not only because I like them. I’d really like to see them get support and upvoting.

Nominate Your Favourite Post

With all the chaff that I end up trying to sift through each time I sit down to do the Steemit Ramble, I think it is time to give you dear reader an opportunity to nominate your favourite reads.

Just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord and post the link in the Nominate-A-Post Channel.

steemit ramble

As much as you may love your own post, I am really looking for someone else to say, “Hey, I like this post, have a look”. When I post a Steemit Ramble, that is what I’m telling my readers.

Once you’ve shared someone else’s post, you’ll be given access to a channel where you can share your own posts for me to consider them. It’s only fair for you to have the chance.

Pimp Your Post Thursday

Don’t forget, Pimp Your Post Thursday takes place every Thursday at 11am and 7:00pm EST. Come and join the fun.

Pimp Your Post Thursday

Until Next Time — Just Steem on

If you like this, please follow me and upvote the post.

If you’d like to see the other days I’ve posted, just visit my profile


Thanks for including that post by GMuxx! It contains all that info I wished I knew when I started out.

it was a very well written post for sure and has been added to the Reference Library

appreciate the nod and that some a seem to dig what I'm doing, of course there are those who don't and that just means next time to bring a bulldozer....

never need a bulldozer with you . but then again... i get straight from the hip talk

Great Curation Effort as usual!!! Thanks for sharing those reads. They were worth the time. I am glad that content is getting better this is crucial for the success of the platform. God Bless You. Love and Peace.

well, I'm hoping it is getting better and that I'm not just looking in the right places.

WHAT a FABULOUS collection of authors!!!

thank you @goldendawne and great to see you hop into the Ramble.

Yes, I just joined and am still peeking around getting a feel for the group and community.

while I'm adding material to channels in the Reference Section on an ongoing basis, the main activity in the Ramble is Thursdays. Before, during and after Pimp Your Post Thursdays there is a lot of chat and activity. It's sort of like our weekly get together.

GREAT advice and thank you.
I just nominated someone else's post in the channel now.

I made a note in my steemit notebook to make sure not and miss out on Thursdays

Thanks for the mention here @shadowspub! Love the community here and everything you do!

thank you @bitdollar... was great having you participate during PYPT

Ready for the next one! Need to work on my mic skills, lol.

Woohooo, excellent selection! Thanks for adding the o my must read list :-)

nice post...
thank you for sharing

Thanks for the mention and for enjoying my post!

Great motivation to continue harder XD

writing is a craft... we get better with practice. If we know we need to practice. I'm still practicing myself :)

You are right! Am also still practicing and it has been fun writing posts on Steemit XD

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