Vote @ocdb posts early to treble your curation returns!

in #curation5 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: Vote @ocdb posts early to treble your curation returns!

I've moved to Hive, along with most other people, following Justin Sun's takeover of Steem in the Spring of 2020. I believe hive is a lot more decentralised than Steem!


I have been using this recently, its all so bad of us.. but I too have written something to justify my actions (currently not published).., do we need to do this?

Hmmm... good question.

Do you need to justify it?!?

I'd be inteterested in hearing what you've got to say, and hey it's another post!

Posted using Partiko Android

Ahhhh whatever happened to reading something, enjoying it and then upvoting to show your appreciation!

That has always been only a part of why people upvote posts here. Most people, particularly large stakeholders can be expected to want to see to it that their return on holding SP is adequate. Some have sought to maximize it using whatever means possible.

If we want a system that really promotes the content that has the most appeal to most people and is thus most efficient at attracting eyeballs from the outside world, then there shouldn't be too much of an opportunity cost involved in upvoting that content. Hence the idea of developing an account-based SMT for voting using Oracles to make sure no one uses alts. @theoretical talked about it in a video with @ned last year.

But the way I see it is that Steem is rapidly moving away from the narrow vision of what it was supposed to become of 2016. We have a DPoS chain where content quality has really shown to be, if not a mere afterthought, of perhaps secondary importance.
$rewarding 25% 15 min

Good comment... @ocdb does incentivise people to upvote people who generally produce good content at least, so it's a step towards that!

Fair point.

I do that as well mind!

I know you do mate..apologies for the grumpy sounding comment, Id just been trawling and ended up being in the meme taf. It always ruins my day !

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh those memes - I like a good one, but more than one a day does my head in!

Posted using Partiko Android

Soooo interesting! And I'm pretty proud that I bring you the biggest return ;) Should I feel used though? Hahaha

Well I guess you'll be continuing to vote for me then eh?! I suppose that's okay with me :P

Posted using Partiko Android

should I feel used

That's probably the phrase that best describes the slightly uncomfortable feeling I have about @ocdb and curation returns.

It's a wierd one! Still getting my head around it!

Shame I have to focus on my revision webinars today otherwise I'd spend the day thinking about it!

Posted using Partiko Android

The best thing about upvoting posts that have used OCDB is to get better curation rewards that you find you find quality authors in the queue that write decent stuff. That's how I find new people to follow now instead of trawling through the new page.

PS : are you going to OCDB this? I just upvoted you 😝🤣

Actually fair point - it's interesting to see whose in the queue.

I will be ocdbing this so hopefully you,'ll get >100% return!

Posted using Partiko Android

It's super nice to see the votes I buy are both doing well for my own SP growth and for my curators... :-) Pretty spectacular returns actually!

I've been missing a few posts because you can only buy once a day and due to sleep and other timing I sometimes can make my next 'bid' after the post is more than 3 days old after which you can't use OCDB anymore. So I'm sorry about those days, you're returns won't be that spectacular :')

Thanks for your support on my posts though - there's not always a chance to say that, but this is a pretty good time to do so :D

Haha - I don't just vote you 'cos of the returns. But it's nice when they come!

What's with the infection?!?

Posted using Partiko Android

I know you voted me anyway \0/ Reading back the comment I understand how that last sentence was clumsy :D

And sorry for the infection... I'm not sure what will happen and what you should do now. This post might help. Stay safe. Don't infect too many others :')

So how do I infect people? Just vizit and comment? It doesn't say in the post!

Posted using Partiko Android

:') Yup! ! sneeze without the space does the trick :D

Ah i see thx!

Posted using Partiko Android

Ha ha, I've got you on an autovote so I think I'm hitting a lot of your OCDB'd posts and reaping the curation rewards ;-)

I'm now using ocdb on around 90% of my posts so I'm happy to see from your analysis that most of my supporters will be getting better curation as well. Win win is nice :)

You're doing pretty well out of my ocd votes....

Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at 07.56.11.png

Bizarrely, you would have met all of the people immediately around you that vote at similar times at SF3 (or maybe that just shows the advantages of attending SF3, I also picked up Nanzo's vote on the back of that!)

140 odd percent return according to that!

Been meaning to try and squeeze you into my autovote, but I'm finding it difficult, as my VP never seems to get above 90% these days!

Lol, I get that m8.

I have to go 2 days solid without manual curation to get above 90% VP these days.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh, I just upvoted you 🤣🤣 I had been doing this for a while now and it has proofed to be gaining more curation reward. Nothing wrong to me and I had also get to learn about new authors and contents through @ocdb.

Hey thanks - you've got to get in early to benefit from the curation rewards, you can check thek out on beempy!

Posted using Partiko Android

My list continues to grow on why @ocdb is a great project for the ecosystem! I am excited to start using it soon to help my supporters get some better curation rewards (thanks for the idea)!

Posted using Partiko iOS

It is excellent! Be good to have you on board.

It also encourages you to invest more in the platform!

Posted using Partiko Android

You have been infected by the King of Disease!

Will you quarantine yourself?

Or will you spread the plague?

King Of Disease

You are totally correct in what you are saying. I have no problem with this as I do it on the people I follow. I just see it as an added bonus and it helps everyone grow.

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