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RE: Upvoting is not curation! So I want to manually solve curation for my own purposes...

in #curation7 years ago

Again@the-traveller, you are to me a beacon of light with your words. I first commented on your post 15 days ago which was 10 days after I first arrived on Steemit. Now I am following up to let you know I am still with you. I do want to be a curator, still learning as well and reminding myself to be patient, My arena (in which I picture myself curating as those in the museum do it) is poetry storytelling, and art - whether that be painting or photography. I want to cherry pick the best quality content that tells a story, conveys beauty, touches hearts and causes the reader to feel something like inspiration, revelation, or read or see a picture and their first thought is, 'I get that.' I choose this type of curation because of the life I have lived and what helps me to soar and grow and be happy in life are the things I just described and I know that there are others that need these things as well. This is what I want to share with my community and I want that community to grow to include some collaboration, trade and bartering so that we can prepare for what's ahead. I am a do for self type of girl and If we are to survive and prepare the way that those that will come after we must be self empowered and collaborative with others simultaneously.


Sounds like a great curation goal! I'd highly encourage you to go for it! You can add a lot of value to your readers. Don't be afraid to strictly filter and take a stand on what goes on your list.
You should be an arbiter of good taste, that is highly subjective and personal, it should not become bland and generic.
If people don't agree they can simply fork your curation list and take it further to their own taste ( properly mentioning you as an original source of course)

Thank you for this detailed comment. I will be curating under poeticimpact. starting in about a week.

excellent, please leave a link here and I will mention it on future library posts to get you some exposure!

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