Muxxybot Curation #47

in #curation7 years ago


Muxxybot's curation team scours Steemit looking for excellent minnow posts that they feel deserve more exposure and higher payouts. These are nominated by the team and voted on in our Discord channel. Those we deem the best are then curated by Muxxybot.

All featured posts will be upvoted 100% by Muxxybot.

@GMuxx will also resteem every curation post to his followers.


First selection is @freewheel nominated by @lenadr

@freewheel shares lots of photographs of graffiti in Malaysia, where prior to 2010 it was seen as vandalism. Now artists are allowed to liven up drab parts of the city with their artwork.


Second selection is @j-vo nominated by @lenadr

@j-vo shares a photo shoot, taking inspiration from 'The Wlaking Dead'. Click below to see more of her excellent work.


Next up is @heydarthy nominated by @rodeo670

@heydarthy shares an intriguing post about their time working in the game industry, and on Marvel Heroes 2015 in particular. Click below to learn more.


@evecab is Muxxybot's next choice, nominated by @rodeo670

This is the third and final part of a series of posts by @evecab who visits Filandia, Colombia. Click below to see many excellent photos and a video.


Muxxybot's final choice is @karyah1001 nominated by @ma1neevent

@karyah1001 is new to Steem and introduces herself in this post. She is a teacher and loves nature and is from the Philippines. Click below to welcome her to the community.

..*..battery low...powering down..*..


Muxxybot uses any money sent his way to power up and further his plans for world domination....*....He does not deign to resteem or upvote those who choose to feed him.

Muxxybot compiles his lists of great content on a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Muxxybot curates poetry on Tuesdays and fiction on Thursdays

Please consider delegating some SP towards helping Muxxybot grow in power. He will be able to reward featured authors with stronger votes. Go HERE to delegate or feel free to contact @GMuxx at the Discord server HERE. All delegators 10 SP or above will get added to his Steemvoter for upvotes on all future posts.

Muxxybot now has a curation trail. If you are on Streemian and would like to follow along, CLICK HERE.

NOTE: Muxxybot does not support plagiarised content, pornography, doxxing or inflammatory posts. I reserve the right to pull votes from any posts and to remove featured authors from Muxxybot's voting list. If you see Muxxybot voting on questionable content, please contact me.

@muxxybot illustration by @overkillcoin
Page divider by @kristyglas

Are you a writer or keen to learn? Do you wish to join a community of like-minded individuals who can help hone your writing skills in the fields of fiction, non-fiction, technical, poetry, songwriting or playwriting? Join us at The Writers' Block.


thanks for sharing and your time compiling, computing, rendering, and finalizing,,

It is part of his plan for world domination ;-)

These look like some fantastic new steemians to check out! Thank You @muxxybot and crew, you folks rock!

A collection of great posts! Thanks for scouring :)

The graffiti post is fantastic!

Truly a great selection.

posting anda sangat menarik, saya suka postingan anda, karena bisa menambah wawasan saya, mudah-mudahan ke depan bisa memberikan postingan yang lebih baik, jadi saya bisa mengetahui banyak hal dalam hidup saya, terima kasih banyak. dan juga semoga bermanfaat bagi teman berjanggut lainnya.

Thanks for helping to promote such cool stuff! Thank you for featuring me - you guys are the best! <3

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