Observations from a week with Curie - Tips on How to get CuratedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #curation7 years ago (edited)

wow! I thank you a lot! Valuable information!

I just got two articles voted by curie. I had a stomach feeling about the things you mentioned when it came to a certain time window. The first two postings I pushed the button late in the evening and next morning they were voted. I guess it was a coincidence cause my german friends did not vote me for they went to sleep. I honestly were totally disappointed as my third posting didn't make it through... it was a hell of work, every three of the articles almost burned my brain cells.

On the other hand it's worth when the curie vote shines onto it.

I am not sure about that they really want to find you - why is this 24h rule? Don't get it. Because otherwise the post got voted with a high probability over 1$ after this time window? I haven't found a similar explanation at curie itself or bitrocker, but maybe didn't do enough research.

My reputation is now at 54 - am I out?

Do you want to become a curator? I would say, you are totally qualified!:-))

Thank you again. It revealed a little bit the "mystique".

Hiya @erh.germany! Yeah it is quite the feeling when you get curied! Wow, two posts hit is great! I only managed to get one Curie vote before I hit the Reputation Limit and was no longer eligible. I did get a couple of random hits from @blocktrades too, which helped.

One of the requirements I did not mention above that may be part of the one post you didn't get curied is that you can only have a certain reward dollar ammount per week. Right now if you have any individual post go over $25 within the previous 7 days, you do not qualify for the Curie vote.

Another piece is that the author is supposed to show "Persistant effort without reward." Meaning you keep trying even though you aren't getting many upvotes. I think that plays into the $1.00 rule. While most of us probably don't think of $1.00 as a lot of reward, I think any limit they set would feel like too little compared to what their vote is worth. You would have to ask one of the reviewers why they have that limit, as I can only speculate.

Yes, technically being a 54 Reputation means you no longer qualify for the big Curie vote. But you might still qualify for one of their communities. Make sure you check out the Curie Weekly and see who the curators are in some of the areas you post in and follow them, see what kind of content they are following. You could still get the "minor Curie" which I think is still good for like $40.

I did put my name in for Curator, and have been in talks with one of their mentors. I'm not chomping at the bit like some people though. They probably have 40 people clamoring for every one curator position that is open. So I am patient. If my name gets called, I am willing. But I have a pretty full plate of things I am supposed to be working on as it is, and Curie can be a full time job! There are a TON of posts out there, and only a handful qualify for Curie's restrictions.

Also look at OCD. I am not sure how they qualify posts, but I think their guidelines are a little more open than Curies. I did a write up of them and their efforts in the post linked in the article above. BuildaWhale is also an interesting Curation effort, and it's owner, @themarkymark gave a really in detail response to my post about their curation efforts.

Best of luck to you!!!

thank you so much, @mikepm74, for your effort, even checking my blog. That were another good hints and recommendations.

I am holding my thumbs for you in becoming a curator yourself. I know, one shouldn't push it and embarrass oneself.

Yes, it is quite a challenge to meet the requirements but it showed me something about myself, namely: Do I believe in myself to be able to meet the standards? Is my work having enough "flesh" on it, giving me ideas and content I love to work on and think about? To fulfill the scientific requirements gives me the chance to get to know myself in another light.

I don't know if I can really hold it, because my recent work was very time consuming and I therefore did have to set priorities. It also is kind of addictive to stay here and watch what others do and give comments of quality, as well.

I am torn between pain & pleasure:-)

All the best for you!

Hello @mikepm74, I've never received a curie, but my wife has received several. Her reputation skyrocketed, so she doesn't get the full-blown curie upvote anymore.

Some of the tags I use disqualify me from curie, but some of my posts meet the criteria. I was wondering if you could do a 'curie audit' on this post:


Are there ways to improve this post to help invite a curie nomination? @ironshield

Responded on your thread @ironshield!

Hope it helps!!

Hi Mike, good post.

Informative, well formatted, good images (and credited), correctly tagged... worthy of a Curie I would say 😉

I was lucky enough to get Curied a couple of times in my early days. It is a great thrill, and encouragement, to get those tasty upvotes.

I hope you succeed in getting to be a Curie Curator. I think you'll do a great job for a great service.

Hey @pennsif! Thanks for the kind words! Much appreciated.

I got one Curie vote when I had been in for 5 days. It kind of was a shock, but also what kept me from fleeing back to Facebook! I only got the one vote from them, but it made me interested in their organization and checking it out.

Thanks for the endorcement! They have way more applicants than open positions, so it is a matter of waiting my turn at this point for my mentor to have an open referral position. So we'll see how that goes. ;-)

Thanks again!

Thanks for this information. I did not know that "posts must be over 150 minutes old, but no more than 24 hours old" and "the reward value of the post at time of nomination must be less than $1.00."

All the best for you!

Thanks for reading @allesia! There is a lot to go over with the post requirements for Curie. And I did not hit on all of them.

Best thing to do is check out their most recent pinned message in their chat room so you are up to date on the requirements. But really, all you can do is put great content out there and hope one of their curators sees it.

According to their Streemian Page, they have 739 Curators out combing the posts for content to upvote. Not all of those are active I'm sure, but there are a lot of them. Curie limits themselves to 25 posts a day, so even if you have the best post in the world, if it is the wrong day you still miss out.

You just have to do your best to put the odds as much in your favor as possible. Best not even to think too much about it I suppose. haha

Thank you for your advice, I hope one day you become a curator :D
I've bookmarked your post to read it again.

very brilliant and informative .. thanks mr mike for this wonderful write up

I'm glad you liked it @knowledges! Now go out there and get curied! LOL

Have a great day!

This stuff is so new to me it's not even funny. Sounds interesting enough though. I'm still learning all this stuff on steemit and trying to make sense of it all. Thanks for sharing.

Hey Mike .. thanks for this valuable information. Curie is definitely a platform a gem!

@blocktrades curates too? Whoa... I should write a post for that now. Lol.

Today is my 8th day on steemit. Your post gave me a good overview of curie! Thanks for your in-depth analysis.

Just one question... Is there a word limitation for each article? Like articles need to be under 500 words to be recommended by curie team?

Excellent post. I've spent the last few hours reading about Curie and Curation, and you gave me some valuable guidlines and tips, thanks!

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