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RE: Hypothetically Speaking on Curation

in #curation5 years ago

As a content producer with basically no followers, I need curators to help expose me to a broader audience, and in turn make more $. The number one way I hope to gain a curation following is by always producing good content and posts. I hope this in turn causes at least some random curators to take a liking to someone not posting about crypto or how to build a whale.

I am toying with ways of rewarding my followers/curators/readers/commenters as much as I can. At the moment I've spread myself thin, only able to commit 30% upvotes to several people who have engaged with my content. I am now thinking it would be better and more rewarding for both me to come up with a better system.

I am thinking of requiring non-bot Steemians to follow, comment on and upvote each of my short stories to remain on some sort of VIP list or something. For people who do this, I am thinking of committing 100% of my upvote power to all genuine comments made by these users on my posts. I am also thinking that I have enough credit to also 100% upvote each original post they create on Steemit, and also try as much as possible to interact with original content my readers produce.

This is the best I could do at the moment. I have no audience so resteeming and curating my followers' posts won't help at all. I can only imagine to grow enough SP that I can at they very least reward my loyal readers with $0.01 every time I upvote anything they do.
It's really hard to know who helps you the most and who in turn to reward, as my upvotes are filled with bot accounts, and it makes it hard to see who is really a loyal reader on my end.



I wouldn’t worry about rewarding your readers, though I do appreciate your intent to establish some symbiotic interchanges. Just keep creating content and I think your realization to make more frequent but shorter posts is the best approach.

It’s just a tough gig for content and the path to whale, crypto stuff is what the majority of steem is into.

You’ve actually done remarkably well and separated yourself from the typical account. The limited amount of passionate well intended steemians will eventually see your stuff. It’s a grueling process. I think maybe creative house writes or steemit bloggers might be worth checking out. Those are names off the top of my head and might not be exactly right.

We will see if some whales actual begin manually curating next week after the hf21

Posted using Partiko iOS

... someone not posting about crypto or how to build a whale.

Ha, new follower for that comment alone 😂👍🏽

Yes man I felt the same way after seeing epic post #1

Posted using Partiko Android

Give thanks the both of you. You've got a follower as well @abh12345. I do like what Steemit is trying to be, and I do feel without good content, there will be no crossover into the mainstream market where someday. I'm still too new of a user to know what the implications of the hf21 will be, I've got a steep learning curve. I do agree my intro, part 1 and part 2 of my first story have done surprisingly well compared to other similar Steemit beginners. I did do a bit of research before posting on Steemit and didn't exactly rush making my intro post. All in all I can't complain about what it has been so far. Steemit can't feed my family anytime soon, but in combination with an eventual Khmer language learning YouTube channel and website, as well as an Ital recipes, healthy living and cooking website, I think we can survive here in Suriname. We only need about $300 a month to keep our head above water, so it's not an impossible short term goal. We had a Khmer & English school in Cambodia, as well as an Ital restaurant, and those two things come more naturally to me than blogging.

As a writer, I have also tried to find other people doing similar things on Steemit, namely writing posts not pertaining to whales, minnows, etc. It has been like finding a needle in a haystack, so I can't see a mainstream crossover with Steemit blogs anytime soon.

This place is a bit of a jungle.

Definitely requires a machete and patience! Hang in there man, you're smart and will find a way here and elsewhere..

Posted using Partiko Android

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