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RE: How curation rewards work and how to be a kick ass curator

in #curation7 years ago

Steemit as a social network platform is, in some pretty significant ways, anti-new user.

very's one of those thnings that you need to grind through to get any momentum.. it's great that so many people are here willing to support the minnow community - but I think that there could be some more thought put into ways to make more accessable to newer users and for them to be able to see an impact earlier on...


I maintain that one of the really big problems with onboarding new users to Steemit is that nothing they do, nothing they write, nothing they think, nothing they engage with – essentially nothing about them – will make a difference to their experience for several weeks and possibly even several months.

All that changes if they can get in with the right social group that is pointedly not located on the blockchain. The right Discord group. The right group. The right social group who hangs together and frequently communicates – but which does not do so on Steemit because of its limitations.

Fall in with the right (or the wrong) group and you can be readily on your way to Reputation 55 or so in under a couple of months. Make contacts, kiss hands, shake babies – do all the good stuff, all the networking, all that stuff you probably hate if you're really a creator and you'd rather be spending time making stuff – do all that and maybe you can find some people with deep pockets you like your work and will regularly patronize you.

Otherwise, you are grinding to find your own community. You are compelled to continue making new content so that you have fresh stuff to show off while simultaneously digging anxiously through whatever else others are posting that are sort of like the things that you do. You leave comments on their posts, you look for kindred spirits. You convince them to comment on each other's posts. Pretty soon, you have a community – one which you will have to coordinate using tools which are off the system, because the one thing that Steemit simply can't allow you to have is a real community.

But that leads into an entirely different set of problems.

very true. I was spinning in circles till I realized how important it was to try to connect to other Steemians - now I realize the importance of it , but having a hard time finding others who are interested in connecting - seems like you said earlier - everyone is just trying to monetize and doesn't even read the content they are voting on - just trying to game the system - it could be the death of Steemit if the social aspect of it doesn't improve

Just because everyone is looking to maximize their own chance, that doesn't mean that – necessarily – that they are not interested in getting the content that they say they are.

We can say with some sense of accuracy that they are clearly not getting the content that they're looking for and if they did so, the situation would be quite different.

I don't think that provides a extinction level event for Steemit, but it does provide piles of opportunity which could be used in very useful ways. All we have to do, really, is just start talking to one another.

Thoroughly enjoyed all your comments as a young minnow in this might large and often overwhelming pool known as Steemit! :p
Thank you @lextenebris for your political perspectives, I like the way you process. (I work for a blockchain political movement called Flux. ;) )

@jorlauski thank you for the spinning in circles commentary, it summarizes how its been feeling for the last few weeks trying to work out the mechanics of Steemit!
@steevc I agree that this will be a very facinating project to watch and partake in to see how it evolves against the struggles of humanities many shadow features. Also really feel the same about the trending menu's etc. Its actually quite difficult sometimes as a new minnow in Steemit town to find interesting content in the beginning. (Getting better every day though for me. :) )

And of course @themarkymark, THANK YOU for this post. Its helped me to no end in consolidating the information I have been gathering around curation etc and how it all works. Enjoyed the way you put it forward.

Meanwhile... did I do this networking/commenting thing properly here? haha ;)

Well, you probably should have made each of those individual replies to a comment that you thought best epitomized what you wanted to talk about in reply. Taken from a purely gaming-the-system point of view, you could have gotten up votes on four different comments rather than just one. From a keeping-ideas-together position, that would have also been the right position to take.

I'm not sure any sane person should reflect positively on my political perspectives; they are a little bit unusual for this crowd. I'll take a look over at Flux and see how it strikes me, but fair warning – whenever I see Flux I think about either a terrible disease or the awesome card game.

The dangers of a complex education.

@lextenebris I appreciate this feedback. Definitely more keen on the keeping it together and engaging in meaningful interactions aspect. The $$ is, of course, a fantastic incentive and bonus to encourage the interaction but obviously comes with its downsides.
In regards to unusual political perspectives, I am a big fan of healthy debate and I feel that requires a variety of "unusual" perspectives if we are ever going to make real progress forward! (Big part of why I support and love Flux. Designed to float good decisions to the surface and encourage real conversations about issues rather than take sides in this crud bipartisan approach everyone loves so much in democracy. Time for an upgrade).

Cheers again for the reply!

  1. Whaiiiiit a moment....there's a Is that to talk about Steemit or ??

  2. "Make contacts, kiss hands & shake babies" cracked me up...I almost missed it but last second backed up & reread Lol

  3. What do you mean "Steemit simply can't allow you to have is a real community"? Edited to add: I read your below posts further & I see what you mean.

  1. Yes, of course there's a; it's listed in the sidebar on the main page and has been for quite some time.

  2. I have been trained in some of the best methods for political manipulation. That is 1 of many lessons that I've learned.

  3. Steemit cannot allow you to have a real community, one which is based on shared ideas about what social order should look like, what, and believe should be, and one which is not necessarily bounded but hold into anyone else that comes along and makes a claim. It's that last which is immoral in their eyes.

That there are subcultural communities on Steemit, it's as much because of their bad design and poor ability to intervene in a negative way..

interesting. this is informative.

you might like my blog, privacy workshop and some of the things I'm investigating.

will follow.

Not in my sidebar but I can type it in now that I know it exists. Thanks!

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