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RE: STEEM-UN(dis)TALENTED Feature Posts for Saturday August 25th 2018 #UNTALENTED

in #curation6 years ago

Hi there @steem-untalented
This sound like a wonderful initiative ... but "untalented"? wouldn't it be better to say use @talented? To write "@untalented" in a comment on someones post would appear disrespectful! - I want to tell people they are talented and be positive - this seems negative - am I missing something here?! Please clarify this for me!

Thank you - keep well :D


More like un(dis)talented. If remove bum, average or smart, we are suddenly all genius.
There is context to the word untalented in this case. So we try to explain it, while using it in a comment at least till it becomes known. The post that started this had a comment thread of close to a thousand comments.

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