Another way to help steemit grow and retain people... monitor the introducemyself tag

in #curation8 years ago

We want more people to come to steemit and stay at steemit. Their early experience can be a big part of that. This is going to be a really short post. I've discussed this before.

We (all of us active here) need to remember to monitor the introducemyself tag more often and try to give some up votes and encouragement to people who are taking their first steps on steemit and posting. Giving them a warm welcome there is important.

There could be those that disagree and believe that setting them up to expect to make big rewards is the wrong way to go. Let's face it in this current environment quantity of votes does not necessarily mean big rewards. It does show that there are people that care that someone new is joining us. So even if you only up vote these things with a power of 1% it is still showing them a number of votes and that we are glad they are here.

I forget to do this too, but when I remember I do try to put some of my daily votes here. Be warned though there are some people that post in that tag that are not new. So I recommend reading what the people say.

Steem On!


I made my introduction the other day and got quite a few upvotes and comments even though I didn't have any followers at the time. This definitely made me feel more welcome on Steemit and I totally agree it's important.

Lots of people already used to monitor it and post the links in the chat channel with the same name or at least they used. I think lately it has dropped off because I suspect some people have left or become less active.

I check the tag regularly and upvote every one.

That is great to hear. I don't always remember, but when I do I tend to go there and go a bit nuts voting for them.

This system is not bad at all but there is still a lot of work to do. Today if I am going to check the profile of those I decided to follow the answer is: Profile unknown. Even the new one got that answer. Strange

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