info about user "teamgood"

in #curation6 years ago (edited)

See the edit at bottom of post!

Most of my posts are 100% content, so I'm sorry to have to post about... this.

I was reading my friend @jonyoudyer's new post this afternoon. After the post, was a comment by somebody called @teamgood:

Delegate to our project via SteemConnect: NOM NOM NOM!
10 SP | 20 SP | 50 SP | 100 SP | 200 SP | 500 SP | 1000 SP | 5000 SP

See, I believe (as the site founders did) that curation is a vital part of Steemit. That involves uplifting good content, and downvoting spam. The above is undoubtably spam - it displaces real commentary about the post with off-topic advertising. I went to the person's page, and verified that they leave the same comments on multiple posts.

I gave the post a small downvote of a few cents, to put it at the bottom of the conversation. I also upvoted some on-topic commentary on that post.

A minute later, my 2 most recent articles suddenly got hidden from view, and all my rewards were reduced to zero. This really sucks at a time when I'm giving so much to my Venezuelan friends who are literally starving to death. I work hard for a few dimes a week, which I use to help others, and some guy gets offended that I downvoted his spam, so he retaliates by flagging and hiding my posts?


I'm not suggesting retaliation (ie: lowering ourselves to his level), but this post is necessary to call out bad behaviour, and warn the public of a supposedly good person collecting Delegated STEEM so he can use it to "dance" with anyone who bruises his ego.



Oooh, he's got a big weapon, and he's quite willing to shake it in people's faces.

That aside, I wasn't aware he had a prior financial arrangement allowing for the posting of spam there. Maybe that kind of 'comment' could come with some fine text that says "I paid to advertise here" or something? Just a thought so this doesn't keep happening.

Either way, I've now used the [MUTE] function on that user, so I won't see their spam (or threats) in the future. (I highly recommend the Mute function, by the way! It truly just deletes the user from your experience, no mess.)

What is GOOD curation?

One of the problems with this awesome website Steemit, is that curation isn't working well. You hear it time and time again: unless you're buying/selling upvotes, good posts aren't getting action. In fact, as I've shown here, good posts are getting downvoted. Teamgood, by upvoting spam and downvoting quality original content, is the very epitome of bad curation. And using other peoples' money, too! Shameful.

I've ran internet forums with hundreds of thousands of users, so I know about spam. If more of us downvoted spam consistently, there would be less of it around. Period. So that's another way that curation isn't effective right now: Bad posts aren't getting downvoted enough. I do my part, but the fewer of us who take up that necessary part of curation, means the fewer targets there are for bullies.


drutter steemit banner.jpg

PS: The other reason for this post! If you think my last two posts don't deserve to be hidden, and want to do some curating of quality original content, they are here and here. Thank you!


It's about 24 hours after I posted this. I just noticed that the two posts in question aren't hidden anymore. I believe the downvotes are gone?! I've changed the title of the thread to "info" rather than "warning" until I find out more. If the flags were removed, thank you, I feel that would truly de-escalate things and be a step in the right direction.

Edit 2:
Another couple hours later. The user in question flagged this post, and then removed the flag a little while later. It's currently only flagged by 1 account, and it is currently visible.


If you flag the automated message from MY bot ill flag the Shiz out of you. You need to seriously calm down and think about your actions. If you keep flagging curation trails and automated messages your rep. will drop quickly. That's just a fact. You are acting like Haijen or Bernie but with no ammo. Just stop. You are embarrassing yourself.

Who needs to calm down? You just threatened me even this has literally nothing to do with you. AND you revealed that you'll misuse the curation system for personal gain. Classy.
Anyway, you are on Mute, so we won't have this unpleasant occurrence again. I suggest you do the same with me.

Do you even read what you publish here?

Who needs to calm down? You just threatened me even this has literally nothing to do with you.

Right, just like our automated comment had nothing to do with you.

I didn't threaten you. I merely stated Newton's third Law of Motion.

mute and block is your friend , MSP and such has the same set up without the users consent, the group is small and private anyways and you went out of your way to do whatever on someone elses post , no idea on all this and am working but yeah....hope you enjoy Steemit more and everyone have a fantabulous day, namaste, going to get a cup of coffee and a donut

now I'll just catch up to speed on the shit shows going on and block/mute and keep on steemin!
hopefully one day steem will be a dollar again so everyone will be getting lambos

@teamgood upvoted the post in question, and left an automated comment with permission from the author. They flagged two of your posts to incentivize you to mind your own business. If the author in question had a problem with that comment, he's a big boy and could have said so himself. In fact, it's been said repeatedly on their Discord that if anyone would prefer they not leave a comment, no comment will be left.

You go around flagging people without having all the facts, and then claim you're a good person being bullied? Seriously? that's the beauty of blockchains.

"He flagged two of your posts to incentivize you to mind your own business."
Creating wording, I like it! I guess you could say I downvoted his spam, to incentivize him to stop spamming.


buying upvotes.jpg

For one, @teamgood is not a "he". It's a community run by women.

For two, make sure you cherry-pick words to make it sound like you're a poor innocent victim. Because ya, you wrote a post evading all factual context to beg for upvotes and accuse @teamgood of some unprovoked malicious wrong-doing, when we both know that wasn't the case. They also removed their flags. Why? Because their point was made, and they're not petty fucking sociopaths like you appear to be.

OMG you posted this non-quote twice on the same post! Flagging for spam!

Sounds pretty fucking stupid, right?

Ya, exactly.

Your right. But i fell you are attacking the wrong account here. There are accounts with millions of SP who could combat this, yet they don't. And yes there is alot of post thats not getting the amount of attention they deserve. But thats why people are creating accounts like @teamgood, @canna-curate. Because we are tired of being ignored. If all of us small fish ban together, we will change the landscape, and make all of us what we deserve. Now flags, i fell they are pointless, un less its plagiarism or anything hateful.

👆 This. Exactly this. We're combining SP from a community because we have more power together than we do divided. None of us are "whales". So this guy is not only barking up the wrong tree, I'll bet a thousand Steem he's not flagging @postpromoter or @smartsteem or any actual bid-bots. Meaning that's not really his problem, and he's just taken it upon himself to be the arbiter of "good" vs. "bad", which is textbook sociopathic behavior.

I bet he's not flagging @canna-curate either. 🤔

He muted this account and edited his post to reflect that he did. Which would have been a much more elegant solution to begin with, no? Then he would have never seen our "spam" comment!


Not a single clue was to be had.

slow fucking claps...SMFH

Still no clue, I can send you some SBD, if you don't have any, so you can buy one. 😂

Please also mute me.


As much as I want to help you make this post visable again that will only anger these people and cause further retaliation. This could of been handled better by both parties. Please i urge you to move on from ever mentioning this group in a negative light or others with higher sp than yours to avoid retaliation and censorship from people who in all reality should be acting in a 'good' way or at least by being or acting like a bigger person aka adult.

I disagree that this post is acting like a non-adult, but that's your opinion so whatever.
As for it being a bad idea to confront anyone on Steemit unless I have more SP than them, may be good advice, but if it is, it points dramatically at the problem!

I did not imply this post was acting like a non adult. Your fine dude. I was talking about the unnecessary flags, which is just my opinon as its not my stake flagging you. Conflict resolution sucks when flags are involved. I get you and your greivence and yes it is a really huge problem for sure. Maybe the hardfork or impending hardforks can prevent this non sense. This kind of retaliation makes steemit look bad. Im almost at the point of not posting myself as we should be even stronger and supportive as a whole. Steemit needs development and perhaps we will have to just invest and wait for platform development and a big company investing into SMTs. Sadly I actually care about team good and the people in team good even though I have been in this very same situation that you are in with them. I left their server because I have my own group that I have been neglecting from being in many other people's Discords. Team good is really looking weird right now. They are good people and they mean well I just think everyone is extremely stressed out with the impending Global crash of the US dollar not to mention the consistent poisoning of people by our world governments. It's a extremely tough time for lots of people and people are not acting the way they normally would have if they were not so stressed. Please feel free to message me at @dynamicgreentk#1126 on discord.

Well, thanks for understanding (and explaining).
I definitely feel the vibe that people are stressed and upset and it's coming out in weird ways.
This is nothing personal about 'team good', or anyone. I feel it's our duty to report bad behavior, and retaliatory downvotes ARE bad behaviour. I'm a person of principle. I don't stop doing good things because they're illegal, and I sure don't stop doing good things because they're 'unwise' or 'financially a bad move'. I would have downvoted that spam no matter if 'teamgood' had 4 Steem or 4 Million.
I'm not a political person. When people piss me off I just cut them out of my life and move on. There are plenty more people to learn from, and to teach, and to have fun with.
I get accused of being idealistic a lot. They're probably right about that, but it doesn't make me want to change. If I'm not a good fit for Steemit, so be it, I will find my people eventually.

You're insane. Of course you don't realize it.

Not sure if you can see my reply, because it was hidden. :-/

Well, thanks for understanding (and explaining).
I definitely feel the vibe that people are stressed and upset and it's coming out in weird ways.
This is nothing personal about 'team good', or anyone. I feel it's our duty to report bad behavior, and retaliatory downvotes ARE bad behaviour. I'm a person of principle. I don't stop doing good things because they're illegal, and I sure don't stop doing good things because they're 'unwise' or 'financially a bad move'. I would have downvoted that spam no matter if 'teamgood' had 4 Steem or 4 Million.
I'm not a political person. When people piss me off I just cut them out of my life and move on. There are plenty more people to learn from, and to teach, and to have fun with.
I get accused of being idealistic a lot. They're probably right about that, but it doesn't make me want to change. If I'm not a good fit for Steemit, so be it, I will find my people eventually.

Somebody keeps flagging my comments to hide their corruption. I've never spoken to or interacted with this person before.


This isn't the first time you've flagged our automated comment. Your posts were flagged and the comments you flagged were upvoted to make a point, that I really shouldn't have to make outside of a classroom, which you clearly need to spend some time in.

Value is subjective. So you don't like bid-bots? Don't use them! Ours isn't a bid-bot. It's a community upvote bot that has permission from those whose posts we comment on to do so. And there's no good reason I should have to explain this to you.

Have we ever once done so on one of your posts? So what makes you the arbiter of "good" vs. "bad" curation on the Steem blockchain? Oh, you're just a fucking sociopath?

You flagged @msp-creativebot on the same post, presumably for the same reasons. Insane as they are.

Mind your own fucking business. And we'll mind ours. You don't get to start that shit then play the victim when you lose. As if it doesn't cross your infantile monkey brain that it would have been a lot less effort for both of us if you simply didn't start that shit.

Remove your flags. And I'll think about removing ours.

drutter (52) · 41 minutes ago
Apparently somebody called @reverendrum just came along and flagged this post, hiding it from view. I don't see any legitimate reason for that flag.
So I've upvoted it so make it visible once again.
3 votes
Reply Edit

(Reposting because teamgood downvoted it to hide it.)

Also, another update, teamgood just downvoted this post, re-hiding it.

I've hoisted the pirate flag on this scallawag. He'll be walkin' the plank by the time we're through.

Callin' me out twice? Come on, now...

Flags are pointless. They only lead to retaliation. Spammers still spam, copy and paste guys still copy and paste. Steemit is a barely developed social media program in beta, it was orginally made popular by being a travel photo site you can use crypto for. How this half developed beta program became a place for elitest bully writters ill never know. Chill out guys its in beta. Flags dont help the platform in the least bit. Just keeps investors away and the billions of 'shit posters' from facebook, insta, youtube etc. Who by the way are skipping right over Steemit and the front ends that just want your rewards typically.

You had a friend and felt a comment was not suitable as the top comment. I agree a copy and paste comment asking for sp can easily come off as tacky and spammy. Just next time when you decide to flag, understand you gotta check your priveledge aka Steempower/Mvests. Thats what you did wrong here you flagged an dolphin account without community support or sp to counter. Just next time you're in this situation just keep in mind flags do nothing but makes bullies out of people that should be friends. I highly suggest just making a comment next time. Asking why they're, just aimlessly asking for steem power on a friend's post.

If you are right that flags are pointless, why do they exist? Design flaw?

Its to reward high stake members by letting them control the content. Because they are invested.

Wow! Is that conjecture, or do those involved admit such?

I suggest reading the whitepaper. I have been in this situation your in. At the end of the day there are no winners in a F U game.

I read it when I started here, and it didn't say that. Has it been updated recently?
What situation do you refer to? Doing the right thing but being told to stop because it isn't how things go around here?

If you are right that
Flags are pointless, why do they
Exist? Design flaw?

                 - drutter

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

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