Curation: 1st result from my data sample

in #curation6 years ago (edited)

About 1 week ago I started to note down my upvote data. That would enable me to see how much curation I would receive in each situation. Hopefully I will be able to investigate which upvotes give the highest return.

As I started last week I just got my first result. I upvote as 9th after 44 minutes. I think the post value was below $1.00 at the moment I upvoted. At pay out this post had 17 votes and $12.49 value. I received 0.001 curation. This seems a very small amount, but I only have 15SP. And it could surely be higher if I upvoted at 30 minutes or even a bit earlier.

Any questions so far?
Or requests for my next post about curation?


Doesn't an automated self-vote take away part of the money left for curators?

I also thought this would be how it works. But it didn't look like that. You're question made me wonder if my conclusion could be wrong? Is there indeed a curation reward for the author and is it included in the author reward?
The answer is yes.

Sorry for providing incorrect information at first ☺️. Thanks for asking 😀


The author gets a flat 75% of the posts value with no curation bonus, at least that is how I think it works.

It seems to be a bit difficult to get it for right. I'm sure my initial post was not correct, so I deleted part of it.

I think you do get a little curation reward. And that it is included in your author reward. Please read my previous comment (reaction to simplymike)

Unless this is your alt account and you have a bigger account where curation really matters I would not be stressing out curation earnings. Even with 633 SP, I don’t care about it. It is one lower amount of profits I make in a week for things. When I was new I tossed around my voting like confetti. It did more for me in the long run then trying to earn curation rewards ever did. Unless you are being reward by a content that is paying you nicely for trying max out curation rewards.

My rewards come from commenting, engagement, and blogs. The lowest paying thing on that list is curation.

Also if you have not read the FAQ that might help shed a little bit of light. But I have a feeling you already have based on what you have sated already in this blog.

Such as “therefore upvoting at 15 minutes old will donate half of your potential curation reward to the author.”

Curation rewards even if I become a dolphin one day might not be a big deal to me. I’m just not sure it ever will so I do not stress over it once bit.

You are totally right that I probably never earn a material amount with curation. Most people earn less than 1SP per 1,000 SP (is that called 1 promille in English?).

So it's actually a combination of things why I spend so much time in learning how it precisely works. Most important are that I really like numbers, mathematics and economy. And I like to win contests. And I believe I have a fair chance to win the weekly curation league. So for now I keep trying a few more weeks.

Of course suggestions for other things to learn are welcome. But there's still a lot on my list

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